The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-31

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    We all know that Now, not like the OT times, that eternal life hinges on knowing both of them, but the way to it is through the Door.
    "Glad to see at last after all the hammering of all posters on here not just by me that you are starting to understand that the OT was written without the full knowledge of who God is, so hope that you keep this in mind when you quote it and stop jumping up and down and saying see this is what the bible says
    The OT written without the full knowledge of God and Christ assumed the above, and also the nature and substance of God’s makeup, with Jesus coming down and doing what only God can do we know differently as Jesus revealed who God really is."

    You are making things up as to what you think I'm understanding.
    The OT people knew full well of exactly who God is/was, FULL knowledge of him, there was NO Jesus in existence in OT times, just as Luke's child like language, opener shows.
    The Jesus to be was a plan hid in God, which is known as his Logos, part of his logos meaning in John 1:1,2. Eph 3:9.
    The plan within God, was the firstborn of his creations, the beginning of the creation of God, right where all our creations begin. Col 1:15, Rev 3:14, Rev 13:8

    Jesus coming down -> the only thing that come down was the word and power (Holy Spirit) of God which made the 2nd Adam man, one nature like the 1st Adam.
    For this reason, word and power coming down, he is deemed as heavenly, because he was not made of dust.
    That is WHY Jesus before the cross, NEVER says I go BACK to the Father.

    They didn't just assume, they had firsthand knowledge.


    Jesus doing only what God can do = get real and pay attention to many Bible truths.
    God the Father did all the miracles through Jesus.
    God gave him the Spirit/word without measure.
    Gave him all power etc.
    So you are talking rubbish
    OT times it said Yehowah alone, but we know full well that he was always going to do this through a future one.
    "So, either Yehowah is alone or He is not, as you said above in the OT the full story wasn’t known, we definitely know there is also Jesus, that makes 2, Yehowah and Jesus, Father and Son, unless they are one of the same there is a problem with God being one, John tells us the Word was with God and the same word was God, later the Word becoming Flesh, the same very Word that was with God"

    "as you said above in the OT the full story wasn’t known,"
    That's a lie, I said nothing of a sort.
    The story known, the true story is that one would be born out of a line, and that one would come into the world, AFTER they were raised, BY God.
    One in the same, God who is Word, The Word raised Jesus in his word, which enabled Jesus to have his word without measure, so when he expressed them out, he the Man Jesus Became the express image of God's PERSON = Word, The Word.
    God ONLY spoke IN Jesus in there these last days, prior it was IN the prophets.
    So they ARE one in Word, to which we are to become John 17:20-23 as in I and the Father are one, we are to become likewise, in word.

    They were keenly awaiting for John the Baptist as they knew when he showed up, that this future one would be close.
    He was alone in OT times.

    Word with (To) the God = Word = mind, reason, wisdom, to thoughts, to plan, to gather and formation of word order within God, which describes this plan, of a Jesus to be and a Gens creation to be, all this was with The God and belonged to him, part of Him = And God was the Word.
    Part of that logos/plan is shown to have now been expressed in 1:3 and the word (part of) creation became.

    And the word (part of) flesh became - God to Angel to Mary - word of God came down Isa 55:8-11, Eph 3:9 expressed into action.
    "Correct, to sent someone that someone has to exist in the first place,"

    That is not Biblical -> There was a man sent from God whose name was John who did NOT pre-exist.
    John 17:18 - As thou hast sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world.

    As Jesus was raised in the word, taught by God, Jesus taught them and sent them into the word = they like Jesus, didn't pre-exist.
    Jesus was sent into the world, After his baptism Mal 3:1.

    Gal 4:4 - But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,
    The timing here is very clear, after he was made and never before, God only spoke IN Jesus in these last days Heb 1:2 John 14:10.

    The word (part of 1:1, plan) came down, Yehowah's, with the angel to Mary, with the end results being, the first ever life of Jesus in any form, began.
    So it was Yehowah's Logos/plan that existed with him.

    Taking on the form of a human = from all the prophesies in the OT, show one that shows a pre-existing one of some kind, spirit or whatever, would enter Mary and take on human form, just one will do.

    The rest of your post in this area = sermon, we know all that.
    "Jesus Christ once for all = door"

    The evidence as per the cross, sealed his position as in being officially becoming the Door.
    Had he not done the Fathers will, I expect it would have been a different matter.
    You might say the Door to the Garden to God, was reopened on the taring of the curtain, as his death.
    Bible verse just reference the Father as the Saviour and other it is Jesus, so it is in effect now, a joint effect, God and His Son and not one God here, defining them both as you are falsely claiming.
    "Correct, both who saves, but if you look at all the verse God maintains that He is one, alone, there is no other, and He only saves nobody else, no helpers no nothing"

    In the OT times as I said, only one literally existed, hence back then God alone rightfully said, he is the only saviour.
    But we know HE was going to do this through a future one, hence we now see in John 17:3, eternal life NOW hinging on knowing them both.
    So in places in the NT, we see them both individually ref as our saviour.
    Keep in mind their true names or titles now -> The Word and The Word of God -> encapsulating, representing everything, so to speak.
    "On earth Jesus always made reference in pointing to the one God"

    He referenced the Father as the Only True God while he was here.
    He constantly ref the Father = only true God.
    "And We also see the Holy Spirit working on His Own, He’s neither the same person as the Father or the Son"

    Why do we only see the likes of greetings from the Father and Son and never this other being of yours, the Holy Spirit?
    Why are we never told to pray to the Holy Spirit.
    The Holy Spirit is where all power and gifts come from etc, there is but One Spirit in this regard.
    We are told all things are from the Father.
    The Father is Spirit and if you claim he is not the Holy Spirit, then You have a Spirit being, the Holy out there, more powerful than the Fathers spirit, who all things come = Houston, you have a serious problem.'
    What if this Holy Spirit decides to do a Satan?

    The God and Father IS this One Holy Spirit, which you steal from him and in doing so, you obviously replace it with another = 2 Thes 2 another god sitting in your temple, making out to be God, on top of the another Jesus you have created.

    God is the Word, Holy Spirit and the True light John 1:9, you lot remove all this = God has VANISHED, gone, poof eek.png

    The Holy Spirit, depending on context, as well as God, can be ref as the likes of - it, this etc.
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