SHN 0.00% 0.7¢ sunshine metals limited

Ann: Drilling Confirms High-Grade Main Feeder at Liontown, page-243

  1. 1,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    Currently in the UK. In the last month I have been in Fiji, Victoria, Sydney and Brisbane. I have found it difficult to provide timely views on company announcements in this time.

    I didn't sell any Sunshine Metals shares in the recent rally. I do not believe that Damien Keys purposely ramped the shares, he genuinely believes that they have found feeder zones and only targeted drilling will prove him right or wrong. The next program at Carrington will be important. The assays of the core did not match expectations from the descriptions given earlier, he should certainly ensure that cannot happen again.

    With a contained metal value of over $450/t in the existing JORC and we hope a bit more copper and gold in the upgrade as well as improved confidence levels in the existing resources it should be a good year in 2024.

    Sunshine has real potential for big resources from its porphyry projects and Mt Leyshon style gold projects.

    I remain positive on the company and its future direction.

    DYOR Not investment advice.
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