Is China a real or imagined threat to Aus?

  1. 22,804 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    It looks like we as taxpayers are destined to spend up to $400 billion
    on what may be US controlled/commanded Nuke Subs that have
    nuclear weapons capacity in order to protect Aus from Chinese aggression.

    Is this a deposit to the USA for our National Security or would neutrality be a better solution?

    The question has to be real is this US promoted Chinese aggression or is it something else?

    Something else:
    -China passed out the USA in GDP (PPP) in 2014-15
    -China commands about 30% of Global trade
    -China owns about 30% of global manufacturing
    -Forecasters say that China will pass out the USA in GDP (Nominal ) by 2030.


    In the early 20th C the US was on a similar economic path and from WW1 to WW2
    it gradually consolidated its global economic dominance despite the Great Depression.
    WW2 spelled the end of the European empires with the USA emerging the global economic
    leader and the USD dis[placing the Pound Stirling as the defacto Global Reserve Currency.

    The US reinforced this global economic hegemony by a series of wars.

    So is it reasonable to expect China to behave similar to the USA in the 20th C?

    IMO no because:
    -Unlike the USA, China does not have a history of warmongering
    -China has set out its goals clearly: "Made in China 2015" , "The BRI" , The expansion of The BRICS,
    reclaim Taiwan (technically it owns Taiwan according to the UN but the USA is "white anting" that.
    - That China intends to be Carbon Neutral by 2060
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