has cba deliberately misled investors?

  1. 2,755 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    I am not big a fan of Sayce, however his article today on an announcement that CBA released yesterday caught my eye.

    You can view CBAs announcement here: Link.

    Have they breached the Corporations Act by providing misleading information?

    If you believe so then you may wish to lodge a complaint with the ASX or ASIC. I will be further analysing the report and forwarding my complaint to both on Monday.

    Contact details for both ASIC and ASX:

    Does anyone else smell desperation in the act of having to assure foreign investors about the price of our property?

    Has Commonwealth Bank Deliberately Misled Investors?

    In order to make their point, the CBA have used the Demographia numbers as a reference point for all the non-Australian cities, yet theyve used the UBS numbers for the Australian cities.

    Why on earth would the bank do that?

    Simply because if theyd used the Demographia numbers it would draw exactly the opposite conclusion to the argument theyre trying to make. The fact is, theyve conveniently grabbed the bunch of numbers that fits their argument and discarded the ones that dont.

    If theyd used the Demographia numbers for all the cities, including the Australian cities, the table would look like this:

    Paints a slightly different picture doesnt it? Actually, it paints a completely different picture. One shows an unsustainable bubble, the other shows a bunch of figures comparable to elsewhere in the world.
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