julia's wedding bells?

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    The Labor (Machiavellian Party) are always one jump ahead in the scheming and pulling the wool over the eyes of what they consider the really dumb public department.(We will now have death duties on the planning table thanks to her party's dirty, post election caretaker mode plot to merge with the Greens). Some caretakers!We had no idea the day we voted. A National disgrace!

    A young caller rang talk back yesterday, gobsmacked that she'd just heard we were headed for death duties (or estate duties as they may be called to soften the shock),and whined - is this true, and if so, how can we possibly get out of it? - (didn't know this when we all voted Greens!)

    The presenter shot back - well, love, you should've read the fine print BEFORE you voted Greens. Sadly, thousands didn't, and now they're going to live to regret they've voted for them to bring in their loony policies. With Gillard's blessing - she's got what SHE wanted out of it! The Queenship. That's HER only interest. NOT us, or Australia's best interests. But I digress.

    Gillard now says she has NO immediate plans to move into the Lodge. So I asked myself - and we must wonder - WHY?

    Yes, there are some maintenance issues at the Lodge to be completed. (Her throne isn't gilded enough for one. lol) Meanwhile, taxpayers are paying a lot of money to provide extra 24 hours security, extra drivers, etc. at her and Tim's Altona abode. Have been for months.

    I predict, however, one of the Main reasons is that she has in mind a wedding with Tim prior to the move.This will shut up the more conservative critics as to their present de facto state, solve any overseas travel cred embarrassments, and provide MORE fuzzy feely lovey dovey picture spreads for Womens Weekly, New Idea, and similar.

    Everyone loves a wedding, and a bride. This will make more women in particular "LOVE" her - and silence her critics once and for all. Is there no end to her brilliance when it comes to plots, assuming I'm right?

    All that Party bloodshed and backroom thuggery to kill Rudd will be forgotten in a haze of wonderment! And Rudd is back - re-jigged and triumphant - (has he NO pride and dignity?) over Smith's body.

    Shorten and the chief back room plotters promoted to plum roles. Garrett now in charge of our kiddy's edcition. Politicians heaven really. Everyone gets what they want! Windsor, Hawker, and Oakeshott too. Well, Oakeshott didn't actually, but stiff cheddar. Great example in principles and ethics for our kids, I must say! They will learn that anything goes, and "winners" are grinners, no matter who you step on and walk over in your grasps for glory.And that someone always has their price - no matter how hard they protest!

    No baby PM's - but a bride and groom. How wonderful! That should get her through Christmas/New Year nicely, and then the populace will have completely forgotten the ugly dayd of this Party's sins and huge stuff ups, over the Melbourne Cup, Christmas Cake, Yacht races, Cricket, and the Australian Open. and lots of champers.

    That's my prediction as to what will happen. NEVER go past another publicity opportunity. And paper over the holes!

    I got the call on the Independent's right two days ahead.

    I'll bet you I'm right with this one too.

    And this disgraceful fiasco is loosely called - Democracy.
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