2023's Idiot of the year, page-54

  1. 7,185 Posts.

    Without a doubt this lady is also woke and hates our modern world. Maybe she could join the stampede of A/Ms who are heading for Ghana to reestablish their roots and good on them.

    The vid goes for 22 seconds and is a joyous confirmation of what makes an idiot.

    However if we branch out into rank and file idiots then we would have to include the run of the mill wackadoodles.

    Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more

    plural noun: wackadoodles
    1. an eccentric or fanatical person.
      "an alarming number of wackadoodles predict the world will indeed end"

      So hands up all the alarmists who self diagnose as an idiotic wackadoodle?
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