ultra-rich - mean and getting nastier

  1. s8
    7,757 Posts.
    Ultra-Rich in Finance Are Meaner Than Rest of Us:
    Matthew Lynn

    7 Sep 2010

    There is something surprising about a private banker warning his colleagues about the rich. It would be like a director of Volkswagen AG casting doubt on motorists, or the boss of McDonald's Corp. distancing himself from people who eat fast food. Rather like valets, the main aim of the private banker is to court the wealthy.

    At a conference in Zurich last week, the head of Barclays Wealth Management's private-banking unit, Gerard Aquilina, appeared to issue a red alert about the richest of clients.

    "Beware of the complexities of dealing with ultra high net worths," Aquilina told his audience. "Demanding and often unreasonable" requests from them may create "impossible demands on the organization."

    Such as? Help with getting children into the right school, securing credit to buy property, or obtaining last-minute concert tickets, for example. Even worse, the richest of the rich turn out to be pretty stingy as well. They don't even want to pay the full fee for all the services they demand.

    It was strong stuff. But it was also an insight into the way the rich have changed over the past decade. They are, it turns out, a nasty bunch of people who are only getting nastier. And the banking industry only has itself to blame.

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