september week 3, page-4

  1. 4,238 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 911
    Quiet on here this week?
    Is everyone inb shock with the market moving forward so far? Getting very close to several turn levels so will it fail?'

    Anyway I certainly DID NOT stimulate the discussion I hoped for on use of TA for trading.

    So I havce a rwquest for Master Robbbb if he is around?

    If you have a second I have A few questions on your openers rule that you have shown on several of your vids. Looks so easy when you do it.

    My partner who is finally getting an interest in the market (yes, she might be a HC poster soon) has been trialling the process with a view to doing some day trading. Gotta say, last week for every trial that has "worked" we have come up with several duds.

    So have I got it right. Process based on looking to:

    - enter trade upon price reversing back through opening price eg if it opens at $10, goes to $9.90 we enter on cross back through $10.
    - Low for day is our stop $9.90 in example
    - Look at the average range (ATR?) of the share and a 70% exit eg if atr is 50c exit would be 9.90+0.7x50= $10.25

    Have I got that right?
    If I have fundamentals right:
    -How do you select which shares to use? One thing I have learnt in my TA studies is patterns repeat on certain shares so presumably some are the prime candidates for the technique? How do you find them?

    Anyway if you (or anyone else) has a second to answer I would appreciate.
    gj (& sarah)

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