CPM 4.65% 4.1¢ cooper metals limited

Ann: New rock chip assays expand search area at Brumby Ridge, page-17

  1. 1,115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6454
    I went back to the drilling in the last announcement. It is clear why Cooper say that the mineralisation is open in all directions. The furthest hole north (23MERC030) appears from the plan to close out the rich shoot but CPM say that it was too shallow to intersect it. I have plotted one possible interpretation below.

    This gives a possible 200+m strike if the shoot continues where the rocks chips are good. Given the width it could be in the 1-5Mt range when drilled out. If the strike continues along the fault or other shoots are discovered then it gets very interesting because of the possible scale.

    DYOR. Not investment advice.


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