Military Summary 24Jan. Was Uki downing of POW plane due to incompetence ?, page-4

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    Let's hope Russia does not "trust" Ukraine in the matter of air space or anything else from this day forth.

    "No one could have anticipated..."

    They'd shoot down their own guys.

    Now they can keep the paychecks of "the missing" rolling in.

    Posted by: Chaka Khagan | Jan 24 2024 17:08 utc

    Russia's MFA press release on the shootdown of the plane carrying the Ukie POWs that were to be exchanged:

    On the morning of January 24, the Kiev regime committed another terrorist act, as a result of which an Il-76 aircraft of Russian military transport aviation was shot down near the village of Yablonovo in the Korochansky district of the Belgorod region. He carried out a flight to transport 65 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for a pre-agreed exchange. All of them and the 6 crew members and 3 Russian officers on board were killed.

    The strike on the plane was carried out by the Ukrainian side with anti-aircraft missiles from the area of the village of Liptsi, Kharkiv region.

    This is another crime committed by Zelensky's criminal clique, which immediately after the plane crashed in a misanthropic manner announced a "victory", claiming that it was the work of the "valiant Armed Forces of Ukraine". However, as soon as it became known that there were Ukrainian servicemen on board who were on their way to the place of exchange, the rhetoric on Bankova Street changed. They began to deny their involvement in the disaster.

    Kiev was well aware of the impending exchange. They knew how and by what route the prisoners of war would be delivered. The attack on the plane was a deliberate and deliberate act. The terrorist attack clearly demonstrates the inability of the Kiev regime to negotiate.

    This is not the first time that Zelensky's junta has brutally cracked down on its own servicemen who have been taken prisoner. On July 29, 2022, the Banderites cold-bloodedly launched a missile attack on the colony in Olenivka (DPR), where Azov prisoners were being held at that time. More than 50 people were killed and more than 70 were injured.

    We strongly condemn the terrorist act by the Kiev regime in the Belgorod Region. All persons involved in it, including the organizers and executors from among the Ukrainian military and civilian officials, will be identified and will be inexorably punished in accordance with Russian law.

    The incident once again shows the criminal essence of the neo-Nazi dictatorship in Kiev. Its leaders are indifferent to human life. They perceive people as "expendable" and kill them at the behest of their Western masters and with weapons supplied by the West.

    It is quite obvious that the criminal Zelensky regime, nurtured by the United States and its NATO satellites, poses a real and significant threat not only to Russia, but also to Ukraine itself, its ordinary citizens, and the whole world. In agony, he is capable of the most monstrous atrocities.

    We believe that international organisations, national governments and the international community should condemn this terrorist attack and other crimes of the Kiev regime. Their silence would mean support for his barbarism and terrorist habits. [My Emphasis]

    My emphasis says it all for me. And this comes after Lavrov's incendiary remarks at the UNSC yesterday that can be read here, "Lavrov at UNSC: Day Two West Asia & Palestine: Using Truth as a Hammer".

    The publics of every NATO nation need to examine their souls in relation to their support for the Kiev Nazis. I very much doubt we'll see any NATO national government condemn Kiev for murdering its own soldiers. I do trust Russia to gather those responsible--including Zelensky--and trying them for this clear terrorist act. How far up the command chain should such an action take? Shouldn't it include all of Team Biden?

    Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 24 2024 17:08 utc

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