The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1795

  1. 5,657 Posts.
    The Godhead is the Only True God and Father Yehowah.
    That’s not what the bible teaches, It’s Father Son and the Holy Spirit

    Jesus was revealed in the prophesies, hence NO literal Jesus in any way shape or form prior to Mary existed.
    That’s correct, no human Jesus, but the “Word” that was with God and was God” dis exist, became flesh
    This has been repeated to you billion times yet you still fail to see, is this a reflection of you

    YOU are calling God Yehowah a liar when he said he alone in OT times was the saviour, when in fact according to you, there was at least two.
    PS I can see what you are doing, just trying to put credibility to yourself
    No, I’m calling you that who doesn’t understand, or if you do, then you are the liar
    Knock Knock, in the OT Jesus wasn’t revealed, again let it sink in as I told you a billion times as well

    WHY in the hec would it be kept a secrete that God was made up of three, from the Jews, Moses and Co = DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, BECAUSE the scriptures teach of what Jesus quoted – Hear O Israel: Yehowah our God IS ONE Yehowah and NOT Yehowshuwa.

    One as in One apple, one Being, One Spirit the Holy.

    There you go then you do know that God has kept it a secret, then you are the liar
    1 You have to ask God that
    2, the bible is very clear, in the fullness of time God sent his only son

    When the phrase "fullness of time" is mentioned in the biblical context, it refers to a specific point in history that was considered the perfect and appointed time for a significant event to occur. In the case of "fullness of time God sent his only son," it specifically refers to the timing of Jesus' earthly ministry and the incarnation of God's Son.

    The fullness of time implies that God, in His divine wisdom and plan, had been orchestrating the course of human history, preparing conditions and circumstances, leading up to the perfect moment for His Son to be sent to earth. This encompasses various factors such as societal, cultural, religious, and political contexts that were at play during that time.

    The fullness of time carries profound significance. It suggests that God's plan for salvation was not randomly implemented but purposefully designed. It denotes a culmination of past events, prophecies, and promises that were now being fulfilled through the coming of Jesus Christ.

    Among the factors contributing to the fullness of time were the Roman Empire's establishment, which facilitated relative peace throughout the region, enabling the spread of the gospel and the emergence of a common language (Greek) that facilitated communication. Moreover, Jewish society at the time had a heightened sense of expectation regarding the arrival of the Messiah, and their religious practices and sacrificial system pointed to the need for a Savior.

    In the fullness of time, God deemed the world ready for His Son to enter in human form, to complete God's redemptive plan through His life, death, and resurrection. Jesus' coming brought about the fulfillment of many prophecies, displayed God's perfect timing, and enabled the spreading of the gospel throughout different regions.

    Overall, the term "fullness of time" signifies the divine timing and sovereignty of God in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, and how the historical, cultural, and religious contexts of that time were uniquely suited for the fulfillment of God's plan of salvation.
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