bob brown calling the mrrt a wealth tax now., page-91

  1. 135 Posts.
    Like all socialist parties, the Greens concentrate on how to divide the cake instead of how to make the cake bigger.

    There is a trend in Europe away from the left side of politics with more likely in Sweden and The Netherlands. In the US the Democrats look as though they will lose control of both Houses; Obama is looking more and more like a one term President.

    As Thatcher famously said:- The problem with socialists is that they eventually run out of other people's money to spend.

    BTW:- finnet. Two tips.
    1. Try using your caps key. Starting sentences with lower case looks, and is, lazy.
    2. The Greens are on their own admission a socialist party; their policies show clearly that it is the most left wing of any of the majors. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for Australians to be concerned.

    In fact, I urge all voters to take the time to read through the Policies on the Greens' website. Most haven't a clue I am sure, else they wouldn't score anywhere near the number of votes they did. Acquaintances of mine who vote Green do so for "the feelgood Factor". They like the idea of helping the planet [whatever that means]. Saves you actually having to think, doesn't it?

    Look at their economic policies - none to speak of; nor do they have an economic spokesperson, which says it all really. Also a policy to oppose the establishment of new coal mines or the extension of existing ones - only the entirely vacuous or naive could support that. Here it is, Policy No. 35

    The Australian has spearheaded a campaign to expose The Greens' policies and stop presenting them as some benign bunch of tree-huggers as has been the case by all media outlets to date. The Greens are anything but benign. All one need do is read their own policies on their own website to see that. It may once have been the province of genuinely committed environmentalists, but as we saw with the preference deal from which Brown was excluded in organising, the Party is now being run by those more interested in the ideas of Karl Marx than David Bellamy.

    Once Labor recognises The Greens are not allies but rather a threat to them which will gradually leach away support to the left, they will act to bury this Party as the Libs did with One Nation. I look forward to that day.
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