Nutty Muslim Cleric -- Snooker, page-10

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    re: Nutty Muslim Cleric -- Viper Question is, why do some so called believers move the goal posts when it suits them?
    Snooker thats what i want to know as well....
    i see people like us that enjoy the freedom that this country provides but we are not the ones who are living under jewish occupency.

    Snooker responding
    Jews are by nature freedom loving, and mostly the only way they would kill you, is to debate you to death.

    Palestine was partitioned in 1948. The Arabs didn't like the 90% they got so they attacked and got beaten and again in 56 and 67 and 73.

    Jordan is a Palestinian country that was created at the same time. 70% of it's inhabitants are Palestinian. How many Palestinian countries does Israel need on it's borders?

    I would argue that the areas in dispute are "disputed terrirories". Other would argue ther are "liberated territories". The Arabs think it is "occupied territories". They are free to leave when ever they with. The Israelis to not have another Israel to go to.
    maybe if you was living under Nazi Germany i am sure the goal post would be facing some where else.

    Snooker responds:

    The Jews in Germany had no aspirations to take over Germany. They were regular citizens of a country just like they are regular citizens of Australia. They did not feel "occupied". They were law abiding folk whom the Nazis used as a scapegoat for Germany's problems post W.W.1. The reason was simple. They knew nobody would stick up for them. What's more unlike the Palestinians who can migrate to any other Arab country (but no one wants them - how come?) or they can migrate to Jordan.

    The Jews in Germany were not allowed to leave and when they did, many "civilized" countries turned them back.

    So where is the analogy?

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