The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-1938

  1. 950 Posts.
    " YOU lie again, lying has become part of you.
    The TRUTH of the matter is, but 2 Thes delusions will have you on this, the Interlinear and Strong's, used the WRONG number above the Greek words = resulting in misleading and deceptive conduct."

    You have had more than enough time to acknowledge your error.
    The mistake is entirely yours. All the information is there. The "I (ego)" is the singular, whereas "Us (hemin)" is plural.
    When you clicked the link, it directed you to the word origin. "I (ego)"
    Maybe you are just lazy, but if you had scrolled down, you would have found the link to "Us (hemin)
    Wotsup, the only "misleading and deceptive conduct" is your own.

    The rest of you post is garbage. Maybe you are just lying to yourself, denying Jesus with every breath.
    The fact is Jesus was sent into the world from heaven. This verse makes you the liar and the denier.

    John 6:38
    King James Bible
    For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
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