USA must end its weapons supply to Netanyahu's regime

  1. 47,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Netanyahu is sounding more like Adolf Hitler with every passing day as his IDF continues to mercilessly slaughter hundreds of Palestinian civilians and reduce their homes to rubble day-in and day-out.

    Netanyahu's reign of terror against Palestinian babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers and vulnerable women is absolutely sickening. They're being collectively treated like vermin; starved, tortured, denied essential medical supplies and even executed en masse

    Four months on from October 7th it's increasingly apparent that the only way to stop the slaughter of Palestinian civilians is for the USA to stop resourcing Netanyahu's genocidal regime and to stop assigning credibility to its self-serving, unsubstantiated propaganda and barefaced lies.

    Until it does so, the USA is complicit in the genocide being wrought on Palestinian civilians by Netanyahu's terrorist regime.
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