What Muslims In Australia REALLY Think Of Australi, page-16

  1. 963 Posts.
    The more I read about the Qor'an and it's teachings the more I ask myself "Why are they here?"
    There is quite clearly no tolerance for any other religion or beliefs in there misguided teachings. We are the non-beleivers and as it states in the Koran "Slay the non-beleivers where you may find them for they are the true enemy of Islam" I ask again Why are they here?

    If a Catholic or Christian school were to promote hate towards any one particular race or religion (Islam,Muslums) through it's religious teachings they soon would be labeled "Racist" and the practice stopped, yet these anti-western Racist teachings go on unfettered across the country. Why?

    There ideals and values have no place in our western society and as such will never be the norm (they will never truly fit in here) so I concure with the last paragraph in this fanatical ranting.

    This a free and peaceful country and if these Muslums want to live here then they must assimilate or leave.
    Sadly I feel assimilation is impossible.

    Now before the bleeding hearts say this is only a very small minority I know many Muslums and from conversations with them I learnt they all felt America deserved September 11.

    Make of it what you will.

    Cheers Ralph
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