Russia Ukraine war, page-203852

  1. 14,866 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 41
    Take your own advice. That is what you need to do about Ukraine instead of shilling for the fascist war criminal Putin as he rapes, murders and genocides his way through Ukraine while you waffle on like some self proclaimed righteous champion of the people about other people just wanting to live their lives in peace.

    Your complete lack of self awareness is astounding.

    As for what happened in the Balkans in the 90’s, I wast here, I have family there, I know what went on, you here stories told be people who for all I know were perpetrators of the very war crimes Serbian forces were responsible for.

    You weren’t, what do you even know.

    Talk to some other loony conspiracy nut job about your government whinging.
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