carbon tax, page-6

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44

    A newly released survey done in 2008 of 375 climate scientists - mostly mainstream ones - reveals not quite the certainty and unanimity we?re so often sold by the Leftist media:

    66.5% agreed or strongly agreed that future climate ?will be a result of anthropogenic causes.?

    Even so, there are areas of climate science that some people want to claim is settled, but where scientists don?t agree.

    Only 12% agree or strongly agree that data availability for climate change analysis is adequate. More than 21% disagree or strongly disagree?

    Perhaps most importantly, only 17.75% agree or strongly agree with the statement, ?The state of theoretical understanding of climate change phenomena is adequate.? An equal percentage disagreed or strongly disagreed.

    A third also agree or strongly agree that ?external politics? has influenced the direction of climate research this past decade.

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