USA must end its weapons supply to Netanyahu's regime, page-592

  1. 18,187 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    if I’m all over the place as you suggest it is most probably because I can barely keep up with your rubbish and misrepresentation

    no you didn’t say they were pursuing the war because ISRAEL believes they are the chosen people and I didn’t actually say that you did either

    you said something far worse
    . Yet you expect those who do care about everyone on Earth to worship the right of 'God's Chosen People' to commit genocide

    I haven’t noticed a single post that even nearly suggested that and nor do Israelis claim even now that what they are doing has anything whatsoever to do with it

    that comment is provocative, falls back into Millenia of anti semitic narrative and is a straight out and out appeal to the worst of human emotions.

    there is nothing in your posts that have shown you care about everyone on earth. Start with the way you address people on hotcopper - you belittle, denigrate, accuse them of things they have not said or done and demonstrate a pompous belief in your own intellect and self righteousness

    then to your next statement

    . Indeed, you've misrepresented what I posted, thereby demonstrating how ths matter is an emotional and 'close to the bone' one for you

    when I disclosed my family history (which is presumably what you are alluding to when you refer to events being close to the bone ) I knew that it was entirely possible that some people would use that history to try to diminish what I write.

    so let me reinforce for you - I am not Jewish but I am well aware that had I been born in a different era and place I might have perished by gun or gas, fire or starvation. I might have known the fear that my aunt did that kept her Jewish lineage a secret because as she finally revealed “you never knew who was going to win the war”

    so why don’t you let it sink into your head that I am appalled by what is happening and the force of the Israeli response. It is not so very hard for me to imagine the terror and disapproval of genocide is a lot easier for me to imagine that you I would think. It has personal, historic and genetic meaning for me

    but that does not mean that I support genocide of Palestinians (or rather obliteration of Palestinians who were in the areas led by Hamas.

    in fact I mean the words “never again”

    I’m at no risk of parroting Netanyahu. I don’t like the man and never did. I think he is and was dangerous and more so since he cozied up to the right wing party

    I’m fully aware that Jews in Israel and elsewhere are deeply divided over this matter and you are a gutless bully to suggest firstly that I am not aware of this or to decide you know better then me what I understand and don’t understand

    so keep justifying your lack of interest in understanding the nature of the conflict and the stupidity of some of your posts

    reading multiple sides means nothing. You can read with an open mind and an intent to understand or to gather information to reinforce your own views

    everything about the way you write suggests you do the latter. Otherwise you might actually read the history post I made rather than dismiss it as puerile while making inaccurate statements about demonstrable facts about what .
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