DO men have a cervix?, page-18

  1. 11,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2125
    Sorry, parsiful, but I'm just not seeing it. The educated (female) feminists I know that are still in the workforce make mention of it in terms of another layer of paperwork, but I've never heard them mention losing their female identity because of it, given they have a high level of self. Nor do any of my (enlightened) male friends seemed to be phased by blokes changing into women or losing their identity because of it.
    That said, I couldn't give a flying flatbread what people do or how they orientate or the word spinach some might use or be required to use in an official setting - as long as no one is being hurt.
    Gota say, this subject is way down on my list of importance when the World is turning to hell in a handbasket with the rise of Right wing, war mongering despots, poverty, housing deficits, famine and an environment catastrophes and economic uncertainty.
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