Is this a stocks forum or current affairs forum?, page-8

  1. 18,561 Posts.

    With due respect - times have changed. The market certainly has and a lot of people, myself included, are currently watching from the sidelines. The forum will not return to a raging "swap meet" of rising stocks with everybody, including the uninformed, making money until another bull market returns. You may be wishing for the days which will go down in history as the glory days of stock trading - one of the most sustained bull runs of all time.

    The political world has also changed - these are unusal times, if not interesting, (to quote somebody.) and again, with due respect, the forum is set up for non-stock related subjects.

    You may well have a point in your implication that it has moved too far, but there are many who enjoy the site for the a variety of reasons and not just for stock discussions. I tend not to read the religious posts but I have learnt much from some of the more general subjects posted, correctly, under the General heading.

    Each to their own.

    Good trading and Regards
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