Dutton is due for the tap, page-45

  1. 86,571 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    But what the Liberals need isn't really a leader ------------- it's a change agent

    yes, yes - I guess that's a leader

    but, the Liberals need moreso an understanding -------------- to understand that they cannot exist as they liked to describe themselves -

    running a belief system with their old principles

    does that need a leader? ------------------ well, I think it just needs someone to say something that clicks ---------- where the lightbulb goes on

    when you get those kinds of lightswitch (lightbulb) moments -

    they usually don't come from leaders ----------- they more often come from someone who sits in the room - usually very quiet and then pipes up and says

    'you know what? it's over -------- it can't work because of...................'

    then - after the light goes on - THEN you need a leader - because you're aware that time has moved on (and the first leader will ask - well, where to now then?)

    from what I see - the Liberals still just don't get it -

    until they do ------- then, they can't possibly start to look for concepts and ideas for a political force that will work

    it's why they are stuck in the wilderness - no one to guide, nowhere to go, no idea where they want to go

    they don't need a leader ---------------- they need a revelation
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