Labor’s plot for a secret new tax on everything., page-7

  1. 12,328 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3235
    Co2 is the ultimate tax bracket. Utes, cars, power, meat, travel. The idea is very simply and is being rolled out in Australia now. The govt can't raise the GST because they will be removed from power. The best way forward is tell people they will die from climate change. They will Use this as a means to implement new taxes in order to prevent disaster and death. The govt will save you from the great unknown by taxing you. How's that for marketing? This PR and spin has been going on for decades.
    These policies can never work of course. It's mathematically impossible. You cannot change climate with taxes. This can't happen when it only represents 0.04% of the atmosphere. That is less than 1/2 of one percent people.
    The other problem is that this will generate enormous state power. Govts will become so large and over bearing over the people, that peoples rights will continue to diminish. This is already happening. Hugh immigration quotes in the west generate less resistance.. You cannot reach the lie of net zero anyway. That is also impossible with larger govts, and higher immigration levels. The problem with the left is that they don't understand cause and effect. They don't get logic. Their entire plan is at war with itself. People who think this is denial, don't understand basic concepts. It's in the basic numbers.
    A large fund manger I know, told me that green policies will create global poverty. Australia has 1m people close to or on, or below the poverty level already. These policies have speed this up. We have gone from mortgage stress, to rental stress, to food and power bill stress in short order.
    We can do things to reduce pollution. We can make more efficient cars, reduce waste etc. EV’s are a toxic upfront carbon heavy circus promoted by idiots like Bowen. He is doing that to keep the tax train moving. These things don't work.
    I think the meat tax is coming and then the govt will intro an inheritance tax down the track. It's all coming guys. Bad govts do bad things in the name of progressive stupidity. The cost of living is rising, debt is rising, immigration is rising, illness is rising, social unrest is rising, activism is rising, racisim is rising, and it's mainly driven by left wing govts. The sun will rise and set, but none of this naff policy wonkery will make any difference, except it will cost people more money with more compliance. Forget what these tools say, look at what they do.
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