Disclosure of Secrets, page-798

  1. 25,460 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Do you even think before opening you mouth so to speak? wink.png

    "You repeatedly claim and give GLORY to the CC, for gathering the Books for the Bible, effectively IGNORING that God was behind it."
    Learn from Jesus -> I can of my own self, do nothing.

    Above CONFIRMED -> "Show us where the bible fell from the sky"

    Your following 2 para's of your above line, are on the whole, STILL praising and giving glory to your forefathers, where the FULL GLORY should be going to God ALONE.

    God will even use the evil to get his mission accomplished.
    Here's my BET, you will NOT directly address the valid points following;

    "And I can assure you, the bible lines up perfectly with CC teaching." = That is NOT true, of which I will CLEARLY show from Jesus's words.

    2 Thes 2:11, gives you no option but to say what you say.

    "What you are doing is bouncing it off your imagined take, which obviously doesn't line up with the CC teaching nor with the bible and you assuming you have the truth"

    I don't assume I have the truth in the following, as I know it is truth, according to Jesus's words.

    CC take of the following, according to you, which CLEARLY does not align with Jesus's words and his intended meaning.

    John 17:3 This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the ONLY True God and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    Right here, Jesus UNQUESTIONABLY, INDEPENDENLY of himself, defines the Father as the only true God, when he was here.
    You say and I assume this is CC as well -> This now is the eternal life that they should know You (Father) the ONLY True God = Father, Son and Holy Spirit and whom you have sent, Jesus Christ.

    That is Nothing but your Imagined take and No Way supported by the Bible.

    1. This, no question about it, creates another God and another Jesus.
    2. Even if a trinity God existed, which it does not, we still cannot ADD to Jesus's words.
    3. Your take unquestionably DENIES Jesus's intended meaning, and RISKS the opportunity of eternal life for people, that follow these lies.
    4. Nothing in the Bible, even allows us to imply this term.
    5. It goes totally against Jesus's quote from the OT = Hear, Israel: Yehowah our God is ONE Yehowah - who does not change. (Yehowshuwa is Not Yehowah).
    6. Jesus in no way directly mentions that a requirement to know a Holy Spirit person (a created one), for eternal life is required.
    He doesn't do that as the Only True God that he references, is Spirit and that Spirit is the Holy Spirit, the Father of Jesus, just as Luke shows.
    7. Now WAY is Jesus referencing himself twice in 17:3 or implying such.

    Mark 10:18 - And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

    You, and I assume your CC family say -> And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God. = Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

    Again, Jesus independently of himself, refers to the God alone Here as being the only good one = NO WAY is the truth of the Bible aligning with your teaching.
    Your are totally destroying Jesus's clear and intended meaning, that even a child could see.

    That is Nothing but your Imagined take and No Way supported by the Bible.
    "Literal sense: This is the plain meaning of the text and what the author intended to convey. It involves understanding the historical and cultural context of the passage."

    Literal sense -> unquestionably, Jesus defines the Father as the only true God when he was here and that is clearly what he intended, that is the historical, cultural context for ALL time, as GOD does not change and neither does Jesus's Clear words, intended and only meaning, of who the only true God was, at the time of Jesus.

    That is the PLAIN and very simple meaning, without doubt.
    "Allegorical sense: This sense looks for symbolic or metaphorical meanings in the text that point to deeper spiritual truths or foreshadow future events. It involves interpreting the text in a way that connects it to the broader story of salvation history."

    I will just deal with the 17:3 for all your points -> First and foremost of this verse, is to actually know the true God and true Son, BEFORE any relationship can be had, otherwise your relationship is with the figment of your imaginations.

    Future events, salvation = your corrupted version, jeopardizes both of these, preventing one from even finding the home base, from which to begin from.
    "Moral sense: This sense focuses on the ethical teachings and moral lessons that can be drawn from the text. It involves looking at how the text can guide us in living a virtuous life and fulfilling God's will."

    God's will is most definitely NOT to teach another God and another Jesus, that is absolutely Not moral or ethical and life destroying.
    To boot, you will not have God or Jesus, leading and guiding you, in their words of truth, as you will be following the tradition of men, where Jesus says, profits Nothing.
    "Anagogical sense: This sense concerns the ultimate or eschatological significance of the text, looking at how it points to the eternal truths of heaven and the final fulfillment of God's plan for humanity. It involves interpreting the text in light of the hope for eternal life and the goal of union with God."

    Your take hinders God's plan, it destroys the significance of the text, it demolishes the eternal Truths, BIG time, along with the eternal life hope, resulting in Zero union with God potentially.

    Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.

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