Albanese wants to send more of your money to terror central in Gaza, page-2

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    Australian Jewish Association MEDIA STATEMENT – Labor looking to restore UNRWA funding

    MEDIA STATEMENT – Labor looking to restore UNRWA funding

    The Australian Jewish Association (AJA) is extremely disturbed by reports that Labor is planning to resume Australian taxpayer funding for UNRWA (UN Relief and Works Agency), despite mounting evidence of the use of UNRWA facilities by Hamas and participation of UNRWA employees in the atrocities of October 7.

    AJA CEO Robert Gregory said:

    "The Albanese Government is once more demonstrating uttercontempt for the lives of Jewish people.

    It seems that nothing bothers Penny Wong and the LaborParty. Not the rape of Jewish women, not the killing of Jewish children.Not even the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. They will cynicallythrow away all morals in order to get a few extra votes.

    Australian taxpayers should be outraged that our government is knowinglygiving away Australian money to odious causes implicated in rape, murder,kidnapping and terrorism.

    When Australian money is discovered to have funded the nextatrocity, Labor cannot claim that they weren't warned.

    Australian taxpayers are potentially being forced to be complicitin the funding of Jihadist terrorism and certainly in the spreading of hatredand extremism.

    Aid has been proven to be applied to terror infrastructure such astunnels and rockets and has been stolen to make Hamas leaders billionaires.

    Labor's actions will make peace in the Middle East that extra bitharder.

    We are calling on theCoalition to commit to undoing this terrible decision and pledging that under aCoalition Government, not one cent of taxpayer funding will go to UNRWA orother extremist groups."

    Kind regards,

    Robert Gregory

    Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    "The Albanese Government is once more demonstrating utter contempt for the lives of Jewish people.

    It seems that nothing bothers Penny Wong and the Labor Party. Not the rape of Jewish women, not the killing of Jewish children. Not even the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. They will cynically throw away all morals in order to get a few extra votes.

    Australian taxpayers should be outraged that our government is knowingly giving away Australian money to odious causes implicated in rape, murder, kidnapping and terrorism.

    When Australian money is discovered to have funded the next atrocity, Labor cannot claim that they weren't warned.

    Australian taxpayers are potentially being forced to be complicit in the funding of Jihadist terrorism and certainly in the spreading of hatred and extremism.

    Aid has been proven to be applied to terror infrastructure such as tunnels and rockets and has been stolen to make Hamas leaders billionaires.

    Labor's actions will make peace in the Middle East that extra bit harder.

    We are calling on the Coalition to commit to undoing this terrible decision and pledging that under a Coalition Government, not one cent of taxpayer funding will go to UNRWA or other extremist groups."

    Kind regards,

    Robert Gregory

    Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    Australian Jewish Association



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