Accelerate the World's Transition to Sustainable Energy - to fight Anthropogenic Climate Change, page-31036

  1. 91,148 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    isn't it a crystal behavioural trait in humans

    dump the crap - out of the car window
    dump the crap - into the river
    into the ocean
    dump your shit in the bush, don't bother taking it to the dump

    oh, nuclear stuff - just put it in a rocket and dump the crap 'somewhere else'

    amazing humans - the filthiest, most vision and imagination lacking species ever to be grown up out of the planet

    what a wonder we are ------------ 2 million years of hominoid development, 200,000 years of modern humans and still

    we kill each other and still we just dump our crap if we have to or preferably just leave it where it is

    what an amazing species ------- a fail, looking for a place to become extinct
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