Why the US and NATO should think twice about Russia., page-18

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    Ukraine - France Already Lost In Odessa

    The French president Emmanuel Micron has gone a bit crazy:

    Europe’s credibility will be destroyed if Russia is allowed to win in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has warned, as he defended his refusal to rule out sending troops to the country.
    The war in Ukraine is “existential for our Europe and for France”, Mr Macron said in the interview on France 2 and TF1.

    “Do you think that the Poles, the Lithuanians, the Estonians, the Romanians and the Bulgarians could remain at peace for a second [in the event of a Russian victory in Ukraine]?” he asked. “If Russia wins this war, Europe’s credibility would be reduced to zero.”

    Micron fails to recognize that Europe does not have any credibility it could lose. Just ask those ~150 countries who have not sanctioned Russia. They know very well that the 2014 U.S./EU coup in Kiev started the mess and that the failure, especially of France and Germany, to force Kiev to implement the Minsk agreements led to its escalation.

    Failing as the guarantor of agreements without any attempts to enforce them leaves one's credibility behind.

    Trying to regain land for Ukraine that it had lost a decade ago is similar nonsense:

    "We are doing everything we can to help Ukraine defeat Russia, because I will say it very simply: There can be no lasting peace if there is no sovereignty, if there is no return to Ukraine's internationally recognized borders, including Crimea," Macron said during the TV interview.

    Interestingly Micron does not say how he will attempt to achieve that. The front is cracking everywhere and Ukraine is running out of men who are capable and willing to fight.

    France could probably send 30,000 troops to Ukraine but what good could those do? It does not have the troops and equipment for a real fight with Russia. The logistics alone, vulnerable to Russian attacks, would be a nightmare.

    The France dream of ruling Odessa already died during the chaos at the end of the first world war 105 years ago (edited machine translation):

    December 12, 1918. Renault tanks unloading in Odessa - bigger

    Cont. reading: Ukraine - France Already Lost In Odessa

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