Is this in our schools yet?

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 140
    I imagine the same contending forces are in the field preparing for a major engagement

    "After many struggles and changes of policy over trans issues, the Government has now published its draft for consultation of the ‘Non-statutory guidance for schools and colleges in England over Gender Questioning Children‘. “Draft”, “consultation”, “non-statutory” and “guidance” are all politicians’ words, indicating that the Government doesn’t really want to tackle trans issues. It is not only the Labour party that dare not say what a woman is: the same question resulted in Rishi Sunak sounding like an inarticulate fool. One must remember that only a few years ago, steered by Maria Miller, our Conservative Government was charging ahead with gender self-identification.The muddle in Government over what it prefers to call ‘gender questioning’ is of particular relevance to schools, where the lives of headteachers are currently being made impossible by repeated conflict between two ideological groups with completely different views about what defines a man or a woman. On the one hand there is the quiet majority of staff, pupils and parents who take the traditional line that basic biology defines whether a child is a boy or a girl. This group would, for instance, require biological girls to be referred to as girls, expect girls’ schools to contain biological girls only and allow biological girls alone to make use of girls’ toilets, changing rooms and girls’ sports.On the other hand there is a vociferous and aggressive minority with, in the words of the guidance, views of “gender identity ideology, the belief that a person can have a ‘gender’ that is different to their biological sex”. Such views are linked to “a significant increase in the number of children questioning the way they feel about being a boy or a girl”. In practice this ideology would allow children to make their own choice as to what sex, what mixture of sex, or what absence of sex they might wish to have and go to whichever sex of school, facility or activity they wished. Such children often request that they be treated as if they are of a different sex from their biology, a process “often referred to as social transitioning”. Such social transitioning has led along the pathway to puberty blockers, often followed by surgical intervention to make a girl’s body look like a boy’s, or vice versa."

    A really serious battle over these issues could see our education system paralysed, people being traumatized, violence even. And where did all this come from? Not from everyday people going about their increasingly difficult lives I have to assume.
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