More bovine excrement from their ABC, page-42

  1. 86,151 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    yes, mostly

    however, numbers did come back with a reply to my questions -

    and, I have some respect for numbers ------------ and I think that numbers's response to my questions should be read carefully -

    because it points out several things about Ozzies - here we have what I believe is a real ozzie (not a bot) - who lives in a real place on the GC - in a house as an owner

    and this is a real pointer to how many think

    1. Numbers totally discounts the potential of a severe cyclone on the GC - even though there's been such in the past decades
    2. Numbers also seems totally oblivious or just refuses to accept that the risks of severe cyclones has increased - even if the numbers 'should' be less, the 'intensity' may well be greater
    3. Numbers has a plan - for emergency accommodation - his caravan ----- good plan, but no mention of what happens if the caravan blows away in a cyclone - which at Cat 4 would be odds on - no mention of emergency accommodation then, no mention of the stress of getting a replacement - from where and how long. No mention of the fact that if he has a caravan - either his existing or a replacement - that he would highly likely have to live somewhere way out of his area - because there would be probably 10's of thousands of homeless needing accommodation - every caravan park for all areas nearby would be fully booked out
    No mention of who would 'demolish' and 'build' his already planned duplex - in the very area where the Premier of Qld only recently said that people who are unhoused in the latest GC hinterland storms - would wait YEARS for rebuilding.

    numbers post - from who I consider a 'reasonable' person (bit of a boxhead, but pretty normal) ---------- is hellishly enlightening of what many Aussies think

    and IMO - they are either in denial of the reality of the potentials and situation that Oz is in - or just plain ignorant.

    I seriously hope that nothing happens severe cyclone wise anywhere from North Coast down to GC in Qld in the next years

    because if it does - in this time of trades crisis ----------- it would be as far as I'm concerned - a national catastrophe

    and I think that particularly areas of the GC and the like - many - thousands of people like numbers - would never live to see their new house or duplex -

    they would and will die in their caravans - waiting
    Last edited by pintohoo: 21/03/24
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