The Biden impeachment, page-490

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    Bobulinski has yet to produce the evidence after talking about it for 6 years.

    Parnas finished off the Clown Show.

    "PARNAS: The American people have been lied to by Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and various cohorts of individuals in government and media positions.

    They created falsehoods to serve their own interests, knowing it would undermine the strength of our nation. From November 2018 to October 2019, I was a key participant and a witness to numerous efforts to prove that Joe and Hunter Biden were linked to corruption in Ukraine.

    Rudy Giuliani, on behalf of then-President Donald Trump tasked me with a mission to travel the globe, finding dirt on the Bidens so that an array of networks could spread misinformation about them, thus securing the 2020 election for Donald J.Trump.

    In nearly a year traveling the world and interviewing officials in different countries, I found precisely zero evidence of the Bidens' corruption in Ukraine.

    No credible source has ever provided proof of criminal activity, not the FBI, CIA, nor the NSA. No respectable Ukrainian official has ever said that the Bidens did anything illegal, including former President Poroshenko and former Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko.

    Even when CEO of Burisma, Nikola Zlochevsky, was offered a deal by Rudy Giuliani in exchange for information on the Bidens, he provided none because there is none.

    The only information ever pushed on the Bidens in Ukraine has come from one source and one source only, Russia and Russian agents."

    Lev Parnas’ Testimony Blows Biden Impeachment Out Of The Water | Crooks and Liars

    Parnas went on to name “Unindicted Co-Conspirator 1” as Congressman Pete Sessions.

    "Then, after specifically calling out Rep. Pete Sessions, former Rep. Devin Nunes and Sen. Ron Johnson as culprits, Parnas said,

    “The same goes for John Solomon, Sean Hannity, and media personnel, particularly at Fox News, who used this narrative to manipulate the public ahead of the 2020 elections.”

    Parnas: Sean Hannity, Fox News Acting As Russian Assets - NewsHounds

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