Trump Criminal Trials, page-6735

  1. 22,468 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Listen footnmouth - I've told you how it's done -

    Yes. You wrote the stupid stuff down saying a stupid thing that no third party is involved between you and your bank when your property evaluations are done.

    That is a really stupid thing to say, you would have to agree now, hey?
    Where does the bank get sales data from stupid?
    From Trump pixie dust?

    if you are so dense that you can't grasp that a financial arrangement between two consenting parties - and does not involve the use of any public funds -

    Stupid you said no third party for your evaluations of property with your bank. Really stupid thing to say, isn't it?
    So stupid that you have to make it appear you said something else like does not involve the use of any public funds, because you are on the right and have to be always right, hey?

    is no business of the Government (or halfwits like yourself)

    That makes you less than a halfwit because your stupid claim is that no third party was used when you had evaluations of property done with your bank.
    Do you still want to run with that stupidity or are you going to make it appear you said something else because you have to be always right because you are on the right?

    I do what Trump has done -

    So there was no third party involved with the evaluations between Trump and the bank?
    Are you sure?
    Are you still going to run with that stupidity or will you make out like you said something else so you can be always right because you are on the right?

    almost everyone who borrows from a lending institution does the same, and then the bank does it's due diligence, as it should.

    Oh, yes!
    Are you still going to run with the stupidity that no third party is used between a bank and the property evaluation?
    Sure you don't want to make out like you said something else so you can appear always right because you are on the right?

    You are out of your depth kiddo - go back to your room and come out again when your eighteen.

    Ha ha the clown from infants clown school thinks he is always right because he is on the right
    No third party got involved?
    Where does the bank get the sales data to compare?
    From a thrid party or from Trump pixie dust that Trumptards are spellbound by?

    You are exactly what iswrong in Western Society - too many stupid people tolerated and allowed an equal say.

    LOL anybody who would tolerate the stupidity you stupidly said above would have to be a Trumptard spellbound by Trump pixie dust which make you say things thinking you are always right because you are on the right. Like, how stupid?

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