Seven things Jesus Christ did NOT say., page-112

  1. 25,442 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Yes you are correct, tribulations of many kinds, (wotsups on here) LOL, have been ongoing, since time began as we know it, however the following is diferent.

    Matt 24:21,22 - For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
    And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.

    Matt ch 24 makes it clear, all alive go through it and no such thing as this created rapture prior.
    The Bible only says that Christians are spared from God's wrath, but most roll the tribulation and the wrath into one event (NO), to support this created rapture story.

    It appear that this tribulation according to Rev is satan's wrath and it seems that that is covered up to the 6th seal or 7th trumpet (same events).
    The 7th being God's wrath, but just before that, the elect or the few, whoever they are, are gathered by Jesus's angels.

    Total timeframe?????????? (3.5 yrs?).

    Many draw upon a passage, prophesy in Daniel and claim the tribulation is 7 yrs, derived from one week of a 70 week prophesy in Daniel.
    They claim a dispensation period of 1 week out of 70, in other words, 1 week is yet to happen.

    Meaning -> Houston, we have a BIG problem -> No other prophesy whatsoever with a timeframe, has ever had a pause in it until completion and likewise it would appear for Daniel's.
    It would appear, re Daniel, when Jesus died, he caused (should have) sacrifices etc to cease and the 70th week was completed around 3.5 years later, at the stoning of Steven, it would seem.
    They appear to add a story in here, saying this is referring to the antichrist making a 7 yr treaty and breaking it half way through, when in fact the ceasing of sacrifices, was Jesus's death.

    In Daniel, they appear to mix the Prince Jesus up and then magically change him into another prince, and claim him to be the said antichrist, who sits up in the Temple, from which they draw upon 2 Thes 2:4.
    They do this despite Paul defining what this Temple is, 3 - 4 times in his other writings, but magically they say no, with zero grounds that Paul changes his mind, and in 2 Thes, speaks of a literal 3rd Temple.

    I'm not saying that there won't be one, but the Bible does not make a prophesy of one.
    So, if the Jews do make one, there will be serious consequences for them.

    Sadly, numerous Christians, have fallen for this fairy story as in, bring on the Temple, as we are going to get raptured what.png
    The 2 Thes 2:4 Temple, where it says "he" and "himself", the words can be -> same, this, it, that and the likes of itself for "himself".
    Which effectively takes away, one individual sitting up in a literal temple.

    However, do I have all the answers = Nope.

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