Jews should be ashamed of themselves., page-144

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 167
    I don't know why I bother responding to you, knowing how uninterested you are in facts, however:

    1. "...cannot find the tunnels.."
    They are being found, daily, and are being destroyed, daily. That's a fact, whether or not you believe it.

    2. Numbers of deaths?
    Read this and concentrate really hard, and maybe, maybe some facts will begin to penetrate your thick skull:

    "What Percentage of Those Killed by the IDF in Gazawere Civilians?

    MAR 26,2024 2:00 PM BY HUGH FITZGERALD

    As is wellknown, Hamas has a long history, going back many years, of undercounting itsown losses and exaggerating the number of civilians killed by the IDF. Think ofthe “massacre of Jenin,” where Hamas claimed that “500 civilians” had beenmassacred by the IDF. In the end, both American and Israeli intelligenceconcluded that 52 people had been killed by the IDF, at least 45 of whom weremembers of Hamas. Or consider the Hamas claim that an Israeli airstrike hit theAl-Ahli Hospital in Gaza, killed “471 civilians.” It turned out that not anIsraeli airstrike, but a missile launched toward Israel by Palestinian IslamicJihad had misfired, and fell to earth in the parking lot of the Al-Ahlihospital, not on the hospital itself.

    Hamascontinues to inflate the number of civilians killed by the IDF in Gaza. Itcounts as “deaths caused by the IDF” all the civilians in Gaza who areaccidentally killed by Hamas and its allied terror group Palestinian IslamicJihad (PIJ) when their weapons, including missiles, misfire, as did that PIJmissile at the Al-Ahli Hospital. How many victims of friendly fire” from Hamashave there been? Hamas also counts all those who die of natural causes — about500 Gazans a month — as having been killed by the IDF. That’s close to 3,000civilian deaths wrongly attributed so far to the IDF.

    It turnsout that as many as 75% of the Gazans killed may have been Hamas terrorists.More on the calculation that leads to this conclusion can be found here: “Morethan half, and maybe as many as 75%, of Gaza deaths are Hamas terrorists.Here’s why.” Elder of Ziyon, March 17, 2024:

    The Gazaministry of health has not directly counted 31,000 dead. Their owndocumentation says that they directly counted some 17,000 in their hospitals,and (as of March 4) over 13,000 from “trusted media sources.”

    Those“trusted media sources” are the Hamas “government media office,” that the UNcalls “GMO.”

    Now, let’slook at the incident from the Kuwaiti roundabout last week. The Ministry ofHealth said that 20 were killed while the Hamas media office said 100 werekilled.

    The Hamasmedia office simply makes things up out of thin air. Just as we’ve seen fromthe Al Ahli hospital explosion, they will inflate death tolls by 5 times ormore. And the media knows it – none of them reported the higher Kuwaitiroundabout figures (that were killed by Palestinian gunmen.) Yet the UN relieson the Hamas media office for its statistics of women and children killed, aswell as the total number killed given by the MoH which includes the 13,000 fromHamas, and then the UN figures get reported as factual by the media.

    It wasHamas gunmen, not the IDF, who fired into the crowd of Gazan civilians who hadbeen waiting for food aid to arrive at the Kuwaiti Circle. Hamas wanted toscare them away – by shooting to kill — so its own operatives could seize thefood for themselves and their extended families. Yet Hamas blamed the IDF forall of those deaths.

    Now thatmeans that the 31,000 killed reported by Hamas are highly suspect. We canimagine there are some bodies that never made it to hospitals, but not anythingclose to 31,000.

    In short,there are not 31,000 dead in Gaza. The real number is thousands less.

    Let’s begenerous and pretend that Hamas only inflates their portion of the death tollnumbers by a factor of 2. That would mean that the total Gaza death toll iscloser to 23,000, not 31,000.

    Now, Israelis reporting that it has killed 13,000 Hamas and other terrorists. Fromprevious wars, IDF estimates of terrorists killed were found to be accurateeven though they were hotly disputed at the time.

    If the IDFhas killed 13,000 terrorists, and the total Gaza death toll is 23,000 and not31,000, that means that 56% of those killed are Hamas.

    If the realdeath toll is closer to 20,000 (which would be my guess with Hamas inflatingtheir numbers by a factor of 5), then the percentage [of Hamas members killed]goes up to 65% – nearly two out of three being terrorists, which is anabsolutely stunning number given how much Hamas relies on human shields as itsdefensive strategy….

    Do themath. It looks like there have not been 31,000 dead Gazans killed by the IDFbut far fewer. Once we take into account Hamas’ usual exaggerations of civiliandeaths, and subtract the number of Gazans killed by malfunctioning weapons ofHamas and PIJ, and “friendly fire” incidents by Hamas shooting, by accident,its own, and subtract as well the natural deaths of Gazans, we arrive at atotal of about 17,000, with 13,00 of them being, according to the IDF’scalculation, Hamas operatives. That means about 75% of the deaths in Gaza areof Hamas terrorists.

    Do youthink any IDF spokesman will be allowed to present these calculations on CNN,or the BBC, or Agence France Presse? Do you think The New York Times or TheWashington Post will examine Hamas’ claims on casualties, and publishthe results? No, of course not. They directly contradict the incessantreporting about “31,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children.” There is noevidence that they were “mostly women and children,” but that is the Hamasphrase that the world media have chosen to endlessly repeat, without examiningits truth or falsehood. Still, for those who are willing to sit still, andconsider carefully the calculations presented by Elder of Ziyon, it should bequite a revelation. To wit, up to 75% of those killed in Gaza are likely tohave been Hamas members.

    That meansa 1:3 civilian-to-combatant ratio, that is, one civilian killed for every threeHamas combatants, a ratio unheard-of in the history of warfare.

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