The way, the truth, and the life – Jesus Christ, page-2199

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    "You are being taught by anti Catholic distorters"

    No mate, anything I've said is quoted from the CC's own records, page, numbers, vol etc, etc.
    Hence I said, DYOR.
    It was either the one before the current, or the one before that.

    "And his exact words were?"

    I have given you the basics, and the way I put it or it's message, was EXACTLY how he put it.
    I'll never forget it, as I nearly fell off my chair in shock, totally unexpected.
    Spiritual times -> Created by the Vatican, which you follow their key corruptions,

    "I don't follow them. I say they are valid."

    Re my words here, CC didn't create the Spirit, their trying to hide it.

    You DO follow them, their created 3 sun gods.
    You Steal the God and Fathers Holy Spirit that he is, which means you must give him another to replace this theft.
    You make another God and Idol out if his Spirit.
    You rob him of his word, The Word that he is, which when he express's his words, they are his Spirit Person that he is, expressed.
    And despite his being Light, the Father of it and his word is light, that enlightens Every man coming into the world J 1:9, many of you say, or many Bible say, it was about to come into the world.
    When it was clearly, also Adam's light.

    One need not go into the another Jesus that you lot have created, as that is screamingly obvious based on the Bible and the lies coming from you lot.
    "That would mean that those of God could be corrupted and led away."

    Based on what I have covered above, they are not of God, according to the Bible truth.
    Not to mention that in Luke, Jesus speaks of people allowing the word to be stolen from them, Truth of, that is, just like it was stolen or hidden from you.
    Now that your indoctrinated, the power of set seeds, thanks to the Vatican, has made it near on impossible for you to see truth 2 Thes 2:10,11.
    "angel of light = you will NOT seeing it coming

    "I suppose it could be worse. They could be trying to have everyone believe that they are taught by God and Jesus exclusively."

    Jesus is named The Word of God and one key meaning of it is, that he is the God and Fathers Key representative of the word of God = the whole package, and your words here, show that you turn your nose up at Jesus's name, the only name to which you can be saved.

    What you're rejecting, Jesus words following;
    John 6:45 - It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

    Who does Jesus say is the God here = independently of himself, the only true God and Father. 17:3

    Written -> Isa 54:13 - Then all your sons will be taught by Yehowah, and great will be their prosperity.
    Jer 31:34 - No longer will each man teach his neighbor or his brother, saying, 'Know Yehowah,' because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares Yehowah. For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.

    The above two verses, refers to this one as the Spirit of Truth, the Comforter which is the Holy Spirit, which the God and Father, Yehowah is.
    John 16:13,14 - However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.
    He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine (words and interpretations), and shall shew it unto you.

    Now who was it that glorified Jesus, Gummy Bear = The Father, the one Jesus said was the only true God when he was here.
    "Yeah and like Thomas who recognises the arm and finger of God at which your eyes have been blinded from."

    Thomas recognized him as Lord, just as the scriptures show and Thomas also acknowledged His and Jesus's God dwelling in Jesus, just like Jesus had told him twice before the cross.
    But Hey, lets not let the Bible truth get in the way of a good fairy story EH!
    In beginning was the Word and the Word was To, Toward, With The God and God was the Word.
    This; was in beginning To, Toward, With The God.

    Where you see "this" it is the ONLY word available from the Greeks definition, so I'll take their word of it, and NOT the corrupt of men.

    John 1:3, Yehowah alone and by himself, is the creator here Isa 44:24, taking Jesus out of 3, which then means you have to remove him from 1 & 2 and that is where the plan of God is 1:1b and shown to have been expressed by Him and NOT Jesus.
    So that is Isa's truth Gummy, whether you like it of not, of which we know you abandon.

    1:1 b
    To -> expressing motion in the direction of (a particular location or plan)

    expressing a point reached at the end of a range or after a period of time
    approaching or reaching (a particular condition)
    Toward -> ongoing, in progress, planning toward something.
    With -> accompanied by (another person or thing
    having or possessing (something):
    indicating the manner or attitude in which a person does something
    in relation to


    We know full well from the Bible, at least 3 of God logos/plans are involved in the above, and the firstborn of his inner creation plans, where our creations begin, was for a 1. a Jesus to be born from Mary, 2, he would effectively be filled with the word of God, word of life of the God and Father, without measure and 3 a Gens creation plan, for the future one to be.
    In the mind logos/plan Col 1:15, Eph 3:9 mystery his in God, Rev 3:14, this plan the beginning of the creation of God, Rev 13:8, the Lamb pre-slain in the plan.

    Titus 1:2 - In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before time eternal;
    2 Tim 1:9 - He has saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works, but by His own purpose and by the grace He granted us in Christ Jesus before time eternal. (the one to be, born from Mary)

    These people who like Jesus were not with the Father back in time, can rightfully ask the Father for the following and you goats cannot deny this, and maintain Bible truth.

    John 17:5 - And now glorify Me You, Father, with Yourself, with glory which I held (to have) before the world existed, -> with You.

    I have placed the "I" there to keep you goats happy, but in TRUTH, NO Greek word is in this verse to support it.
    Never the less, the 2 Tim people can rightfully ask for it, as written.

    Truth is, ONLY two things are mentioned that were with the Father = glory held and before the world existed, WITH Him.
    Notice with before the world existed, that is the subject and not Jesus, and Jesus puts the Father ALONE, with the topic of the world not exiting with him = Father.
    The Father alone was holding this glory, as he sees things not yet done, as though they are.

    1:1 b and included in 1:2

    1. And the Word part of became Gens creation.
    2. And the Word part of became flesh.
    3. And the word without measure the Fathers, the Word, Became in the Temple, Jesus and these words are Spirit and Life.

    He spoke the words of the Fathers who is Spirit, because Jesus who was flesh, said the flesh profit nothing, hence the words he spoke, the Fathers, were Spirit and Life, giving the Son life in himself John 5:26, 6:63.68.
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