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    Criminal Complaint vs. SwissMedic/mRNA Vax

    Swiss Lawyer Philipp Kruse provides a comprehensive summary of mRNA "vaccine" regulatory failures and lies

    On July 14, 2022, Philipp Kruse filed a carefully worded comprehensive legal complaint against the Swiss Regulatory authority known as Swissmedic for their role in enabling deployment of the COVID mRNA “vaccines” into the population of Switzerland. On 28 March 2024, the complaint was refiled with substantial updates and amendments. This complaint provides a comprehensive summary of the case against the official regulatory positions and activities promoted by Swissmedic, which closely parallel those taken by the US FDA, Health Canada, the European Medicines Agency and most other national regulatory authorities.

    Swissmedic is the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products. More precisely, Swissmedic is the Swiss surveillance authority for medicines and medical devices, and is registered in Bern, Switzerland. Swissmedic fulfills a Swiss federal mission similar to the US HHS Food and Drug Agency (FDA).

    Key complaints detailed in this filing include the following criminal acts, which appear to apply equally to many other national regulatory authorities:

    Criminal acts performed by Swissmedic

    1. Initial authorization that breaches the law and duties

    2. Perpetuation of illegal authorizations that breach the law and duties

      1. Disregard for all additional indications of risk

      2. Absence of a "life-threatening or debilitating" disease

      3. No benefits from ineffective to harmful mRNA injections

      4. Omission of the most elementary safety and effectiveness tests

      5. Swissmedic blocked effective alternative treatments

      6. Benefit-risk analysis – Clearly a negative profile

      7. Continuing despite an obviously negative benefit-risk ratio

    3. No product monitoring proportionate to the risks

    4. Misleading information not proportionate to the risks

    5. Medical malpractice – lack of information, lack of reports

    6. Swissmedic out of control and acting to the detriment of the state and the


    As summarized in his “X” bio (see image above and his academic CV which can be viewed here), Mr. Kruse is an experienced Swiss and International Law specialist. Having filed this legal complaint, he posted a PDF copy on “X” for download and review, promptly resulting in “X” designating his account “Temporarily Restricted” due to “unusual activity”.

    UPDATE: Due to the censorship of the prior account, Philipp Kruse has now established a new “X” account at @KruseLawyer

    I first met Mr. Kruse while visiting Stockholm to lecture on the COVIDcrisis and fifth generation warfare, and he told me of the legal case he was about to file in Switzerland regarding the governmental mismanagement of the response to COVID. Impressed with his knowledge of international law, I invited him to speak at the most recent Senator Johnson hearing in the US Senate regarding his understanding of the legal underpinnings of the proposed WHO pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation modifications. Below is a video of his brief testimony. As you can sense from the video, Mr. Kruse is a very meticulous, detail-oriented and fundamentally conservative (in the classical sense- cautious and non-flamboyant in demeanor and actions) Swiss attorney. He is committed to respect for human rights, but is certainly not a wild-eyed far-right radical. His positions are carefully researched and documented.

    Mr. Kruse and his colleagues have addressed their reasons for taking these actions in a press release dated 24 March 2024.

    Criminal complaint 2.0 against Swissmedic filed Zurich, 28 March 2024 –

    In the name of and on behalf of six persons directly injured by mRNA vaccinations and for other persons, we hereby publish our criminal complaint against the Swiss regulatory authority Swissmedic and against vaccinating physicians ("Criminal complaint 2.0"), which has be filed on 7 February 2024 after comprehensive factual and legal updates, supplementation and clarification. This step became necessary because, since the first criminal complaint was filed on 14 July 2022, the legally relevant evidence had not only been fully confirmed in terms of the facts presented and the legal arguments, but had also been accentuated and aggravated in most cases. At the same time, the reported criminal activities were consistently continued by Swissmedic, without any sign of any constitutional correction on the part of the Swiss judiciary or the Swiss Parliament (Art. 169 et seq. Federal Constitution) - on the contrary: With the draft revision of the Epidemics Act, the Federal Council wants to further expand the current practice of emergency authorizations and the use of novel, experimental vaccines.

    What's new?

    Compared to the first version dated 14 July 2022, the criminal complaint 2.0 contains updated, supplemented and improved legally relevant evidence up to mid-2023 (in some cases beyond) and also comprehensively supplemented and clarified legal explanations, including with regard to

    - Evidence that at no time was there a discernible threat to public health from SARSCoV-2 in the form of a debilitating or life-threatening disease within the meaning of Art. 9a para. 1 TPA;

    - Evidence that available and long-established alternative prevention and treatment methods have been ignored by Swissmedic to date;

    - Evidence that mRNA-based injections pose a particular risk to human health, especially that of children and adolescents (alarming mortality data and declining birth rates);

    - Proof of the special experimental character of the mRNA-based preparations; - Evidence that a positive benefit/risk ratio of mRNA-based Covid-19 "vaccinations" was never proven;

    - Extensive evidence that Swissmedic has consistently and permanently misled the entire population and Swiss key decision-makers regarding the actual risk content of mRNA preparations and the lack of evidence of a protective effect with regard to infection and transmission, which is why a criminal investigation into the offense of falsification of documents in office (Art. 317 SCC) can no longer be postponed.

    Motive for new publication

    As a consequence of the completion of our investigation since the end of 2021 (i.e. work by a larger team of both internal staff and a group of pro bono supporting scientists), there can no longer be any reasonable doubt that the risk to public health from mRNA substances, already sufficiently clearly demonstrated by the criminal complaint of 14 July 2022, is greater than that from SARS-CoV-2, and that this risk created by authorities continues to exist. For this reason, because Swissmedic is pursuing unperturbed it’s criminal behavior. Therefore, and because it is doing exactly the opposite of what Switzerland's highest authority for drug safety would be obliged to do by law, we feel compelled to make this criminal complaint 2.0 submitted on 7 February 2024 freely accessible to the public - and thus to all members of the Swiss Federal Assembly – ultimately to protect the public from high risk mRNA-based medicinal products and from misleading, deceptive information about the effective risk associated with the authorized mRNA-substances.

    I suggest that the legal complaint which Mr. Kruse has compiled and submitted to Swiss legal authorities is the most comprehensive summary of the regulatory mismanagement and fraud which has taken place at virtually all western national regulatory authorities during the push for mandatory deployment and uptake of the COVID mRNA “vaccines”, and can serve as a template for both other complaints as well as expert witness testimony. Furthermore, I am struck by the parallels between the actions of the Swiss national regulatory authority, the US FDA/CDC, and virtually all other western national regulatory authorities. This strongly suggests close communication and/or collusion among these agencies and their political and bureaucratic State managers during the COVIDcrisis.

    With that in mind, I have included key sections from the executive summary of the complaint below. A PDF copy of the full executive summary can be found here (independent archive) and here, and the press release together with both the summary and the full 450 page complaint document can be found here.

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