easter .. seriously who believes this fairy tale, page-128

  1. 6,612 Posts.
    angus . . . , you know that is not a fair or simple question. It does not support a Creationist view because the process of evolution moves creatures across millions of years, not the span of a human life.

    To an eternal God billions of years are not time related, they are an instant and the potential of every creature that has existed and will ever exist was contained in the very first spark of life.

    I watched your clip and let me tell you, I am not an atheist so when I see somebody trying to score some kind of hollow victory by asking for proof of one animal evolving into another form, all this does is show a kind of contempt for knowledge extrapolated from a very extensive fossil record.

    Now when canines were established and a species and felines were established as a species, neither will ever evolve to become the other, but back in time there was a creature that was neither quite canine or quite feline and it divested to be come both species.

    Surely this is the wonder of God's Creation, the tapestry of life rolling out across a vast expanse of time, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species. Creatures were not yet defined by Genus and Species and they were able to evolve into todays fixed forms from which they will likely never deviate.

    Science is God's gift so that we might have a window on the marvels of Creation and if science has discovered that everything evolves then you have to take it up with God and ask Him why He chose evolution as His means of rolling out Creation. Evolution is not the fault of science, they just respond to what the evidence tells them.

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