When will Anzac Day be recognised as a mistake and colonisation propaganda?? Is it a fraud??, page-70

  1. 84,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''and there is an obligation by being the more powerful nation in our region in the Sth Pacific to maintain stability.''

    we kid ourselves

    we are a bit player at the arse end of the world - one of the greatest wasters of an amazing resource

    our SEA neighbours are racing ahead

    all we are doing is putting the price up of way overpriced termite ridden seriously flawed, badly designed houses

    maintain stability ------------- pfffffffffffffffffffft. We can't even house our own population.

    We have Prime Ministers who remove foreign aid ------------ Tony Abbott

    who didn't even recognise what foreign aid is for - it's for security - it's not giving presents -

    it's for purchasing security -

    and what is the price of NOT purchasing security - to save some money??????

    the price is a panic to get nuclear subs - for a trillion bucks - because you allowed a lapse in security in the first place ------------so our Tone - saved a few million bucks - and then his brainless party had to commit to the most idiotic saga of submarine purchase for hundreds of billions

    and that is merely 'one' tiny example ---------- for a nation that can't even houses it's people and thinks that studying things like 'history' is 'why would we ever need that?'

    tis a land of visionless and stupid people - with no aim, no goals, no vision and no drive

    a culture with totally dodgy foundation

    to change ------------- we need a real foundation

    begin with a decent goal - is a pretty good place to start
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