The world is forgetting the 1930-40s, page-233

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    A former editor of the Times newspaper in the UK, Sir Harold Evans, wrote the forward in the book around 2012. He had seen the rise of antisemitism throughout his lifetime and recalled some interesting attempts to push some big lies. Of course the Guardian was up to its neck in spreading lies as as were muslims. It's useful to look at couple of the failed attempts to stir up anti Jewish fervour.

    "At the same time, I did not hesitate to condemn the British media’shysterical treatment of Israel when it retaliated for unprovoked rocketassaults from Jenin, the Palestinian refugee camp in the West Bank. In April2002, the IDF sealed off the town, which the Palestinians had boobytrappedwith hundreds of explosives. Since the press could not immediatelyget in, they listened to stories of atrocities from Palestinian Authorityspokesmen. There was a frenzy of indictments of Israel. The IDF wasportrayed as murdering 3,000 defenseless Palestinians and then burying thevictims in secret mass graves.My old newspaper, The Guardian, was moved to write the editorialopinion that Israel’s attack was “every bit as repellent” as Osama BinLaden’s on New York on September 11, 2001.1 Come again? In fact, agullible press published a cataract of lies. Tom Gross2 of Mideast MediaAnalysis produced a scalding review and was vindicated when both aUnited Nations investigation and Human Rights Watch later concluded thatthere had been no massacre, no secret mass graves. It was a militaryengagement in which the death toll was 54, of whom half were Palestiniancombatants, about the same number as Israeli fatalities."

    On 9/11

    " I was intrigued, in particular, by a report that went viral on the Internetimmediately after 9/11: 4,000 Jews with jobs at the World Trade Centerstayed away that morning because they had been tipped off by Mossad,Israel’s intelligence agency. It was all a brilliant Jewish plot to vilifyMuslims and pave the way for a joint Israeli-U.S. military operation not justagainst Osama bin Laden but also against militants in Palestine. SheikhMuhammed Gemeaha at the Cairo Centre of Islamic Learning at al-AzharUniversity explained it for dummies: “only the Jews” were capable oftoppling the World Trade Center. If the conspiracy became known to theAmerican people, “they would have done to the Jews what Hitler did.”3Of course, Jews and Israelis (400 of them) and Muslims and Catholicsand Buddhists and Presbyterians who had jobs at the World Trade Centerdid what everybody employed there did on 9/11: they showed up for workand died for good timekeeping. There were among the 2,752 victims 77nationalities of all religions (with some 60 Muslims) who earned theirliving as clerks, busboys, bond traders, cooks, accountants, managers,secretaries, and technicians. The attempt to shuffle off the guilt of theoutrage seemed to have had effect. Gallup sampled opinion in ninepredominantly Islamic countries—Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Turkey,Lebanon, Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. It reported that sometwo-thirds of those polled found the 9/11 attack morally unjustified. Only inTurkey, by 46 to 43 percent, did they believe that groups of Arabs hadcarried out the attacks. In Pakistan, only 4 percent accepted that thehijackers were Arabs."

    We should also bear in mind that much of the anti-Jewish bitterness displayed by hardened old stalinists is because they blame the Jews for the fall of the USSR. That gives a hint as to the mentality of political duds.

    Universal Rule #3: The further left they go the more incompetent they become thereby requiring a universal scapegoat.
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