Same Old Drivel .. Brand New Suit - Manufacturing

  1. 16,063 Posts.

    Albo wants to rediscover manufacturing in Oz with his planned "Future Made in Australia Act", this time riding the battery and solar cell gravy train using even more than the already allocated $3bn taxpayer sink hole to flog a dead horse.

    Here's an idea .. how about re-establishing large scale engineering workshops to provide state based core skilled trades workforces, make tertiary engineering a real qualitative qualification again, create innovation multi function poleis hubs and populate all of three of them with aptitude instead of DEI. Maybe then we will get some vertical thinking outside of the square, just like the USA did back in the 50's and managed a man on the moon ~15 years later.

    Trying to compete with subsidised 'metoo' manufacturing on the doorstep of the impoverished labour stronghold of Asia, backed in by American/Brit based multinationals is doomed to fail. And making batteries and solar panels is not value ad rocket science.

    Of course we can't expect too much practical vision from career politicians and their hive minded buereaucrats who are more interested in making sure their paper work has preface sychophantic acknowlegements to aboriginals, queers, trans, palestinians, DEI, ESG, et al.

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