Keep those violins playing, page-161

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 162
    @Joannie - Your little story is funny, but I have been through similar with my youngest moving in 'arty' circles and doing various courses.
    I believe there is a museum in Tasmania (the museum is called 'MONA') which has a roomful of porcelain vulvas on display - breaking some kind of taboo.
    But when you think how proudly the male sex organ has been used in art - by the Greeks even as a kind of protective symbol in front of their homes (so-called 'Herm' with erect P.s) - it's about time women became less shameful about an organ, through which all of humanity entered the world of the living, but I guess that wasn't on those young people's minds.
    Youth will always try and shock its elders - so in a way Granddad gave them confirmation!
    But this is a music thread - back to music - and one of my old favourites, 'Thieving Boy' sung by the wonderful Cleo Laine


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