Do the dead now know the truth ?, page-255

  1. 6,696 Posts.
    No re global religion and global government in its present forms.

    And yes, religion and politics will always have organisationally similar forms, especially as they begin to meld into a better form of managing human affairs way into the future.

    I think some form of One World Government is the only thing that might save us from ourselves. The independent nation system we have now is the perfect situation to perpetuate war, mistrust and tyrants.

    Now I'm not talking about a totalitarian system, rather a system that countries accept as the international consultative authority who can impartially determine the rights and legalities of international disputes. A certain authority must be ceded to a truely independent body to prevent full scale disputes between nations.

    We have come from family groups to tribes, tribes to interconnected tribes, to regional peoples with cultural affiliations, to city states, to states, to nationhood. There is no possibility that we will not go to the last stage which is planethood.

    This does not mean that nations and states and cultures will disappear, it just means that humans will identify themselves firstly as belonging to the international human race and allow international disputations to have their own forum.

    Into this system will go religion because the separation of church and state is essential now so that we do not compound the effect of both streams of corruption coming together. We have seen what happens when corrupt religion gains statutory authority, such as in the US and more so in Islamic countries ruled by religious authorities.

    So it will take some kind of religious, come spiritual enlightenment, for want of a better word, to guide and form a non-political political system that is truely democratic and free of the utter disaster of party politics, electioneering, nepotism.

    Basically we need a complete new system and it will be influenced by a religious form into a just, equitable, moral system somewhat free of prejudice and expressing equality of opportunity. A system linked from the grass roots all the way to the international level administered by people having a defined charter of rights at every level.
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