Do the dead now know the truth ?, page-263

  1. 6,566 Posts.
    There is a price for everything. Imagine a human system without leadership, we call this chaos.

    The solution is to adapt a system that reduces the power of individuals in leadership positions, promotes consultation and consensus, turns over regularly those in power and encourages people to accept majority decisions and work for success of majority decisions even if you disagree so that if a bad decision is made it will become obvious very quickly rather than it getting lost in partisanship and obfuscation.

    There is a way and it starts with systems of education to reduce the impart of the ME generation.

    The second part is to have a system that allows people to rise to the top naturally via ability in non-political settings so that we don't have such truely ordinary people running countries all the time. What a staggering untapped capacity we have if only we could escape party politics and the undesirable people we must have ruling rather than need or want.
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