Lots in store for '24???, page-601

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 355
    As I said... The NWO concept is 100 years old... rolleyes.png

    Here is the part of Wikipedia pre the Gorbachev era you posted that you left out...

    New world order (politics)

    22 languages

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The term "new world order" refers to a new period of history evidencing dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power in international relations. Despite varied interpretations of this term, it is commonly associated with the notion of world governance.

    The phrase "new world order" or similar language was used in the period toward the end of the First World War in relation to Woodrow Wilson's vision for international peace;[a] Wilson called for a League of Nations to prevent aggression and conflict. In some instances when Franklin D. Roosevelt used the phrase "new world order", or "new order in the world" it was to refer to Axis powers plans for world domination.[1][2][3][4] Although Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman may have been hesitant to use the phrase,[citation needed] commentators have applied the term retroactively to the order put in place by the World War II victors including the United Nations and the Bretton Woods system as a "new world order."[5][6]

    The most widely discussed application of the phrase of recent times came at the end of the Cold War. Presidents Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush used the term to try to define the nature of the post-Cold War era and the spirit of great power cooperation that they hoped might materialize. Gorbachev's initial formulation was wide-ranging and idealistic, but his ability to press for it was severely limited by the internal crisis of the Soviet system. In comparison, Bush's vision was not less circumscribed: "A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known".[7] However, given the new unipolar status of the United States, Bush's vision was realistic in saying that "there is no substitute for American leadership".[7] The Gulf War of 1991 was regarded as the first test of the new world order: "Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. ... The Gulf War put this new world to its first test".[8][9]

    Historical usage[edit]

    220px-Origin_of_the_League_of_Nations.pngWoodrow Wilson and the Origin of the League of Nations

    The phrase "new world order" was explicitly used in connection with Woodrow Wilson's global zeitgeist during the period just after World War I during the formation of the League of Nations. "The war to end all wars" had been a powerful catalyst in international politics, and many felt the world could simply no longer operate as it once had. World War I had been justified not only in terms of U.S. national interest, but in moral terms—to "make the world safe for democracy". After the war, Wilson argued for a new world order which transcended traditional great power politics, instead emphasizing collective security, democracy and self-determination. However, the United States Senate rejected membership of the League of Nations, which Wilson believed to be the key to a new world order. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge argued that American policy should be based on human nature "as it is, not as it ought to be".[10] Nazi activist and future German leader Adolf Hitler also used the term in 1928.[11][failed verification]

    220px-Winston_Churchill_with_Franklin_D._Roosevelt_on_board_USS_Augusta_%28CA-31%29_on_9_August_1941_%28NH_67201%29.jpgFranklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill during the meeting that would result in the Atlantic Charter, precursor to the Bretton Woods system

    The term fell from use when it became clear the League was not living up to expectations and as a consequence was used very little during the formation of the United Nations. Former United Nations Secretary General Kurt Waldheim felt that this new world order was a projection of the American dream into Europe and that in its naïveté the idea of a new order had been used to further the parochial interests of Lloyd George and Georges Clemenceau, thus ensuring the League's eventual failure.[12] Although some have claimed the phrase was not used at all, Virginia Gildersleeve, the sole female delegate to the San Francisco Conference in April 1945, did use it in an interview with The New York Times.[citation needed]

    The phrase was used by some in retrospect when assessing the creation of the post-World War II set of international institutions, including the United Nations; the U.S. security alliances such as NATO; the Bretton Woods system of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; and even the Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were seen as characterizing or comprising this new order.[citation needed]

    H. G. Wells wrote a book published in 1940 entitled The New World Order. It addressed the ideal of a world without war in which law and order emanated from a world governing body and examined various proposals and ideas.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt in his "Armistice Day Address Before the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" on November 11, 1940, referred to Novus ordo seclorum, inscribed on the Great Seal of the United States and traced to antiquity. By this phrase, Virgil announced the Augustan Golden Age. That Age was the dawn of the divine universal monarchy, but Roosevelt on that occasion promised to take the world order into the opposite democratic direction led by the United States and Britain.[13]

    On June 6, 1966, New York Senator Robert F. Kennedy used the phrase "new world society" in his Day of Affirmation Address in South Africa.[14]

    Post-Cold War usage[edit]

    The phrase "new world order" as used to herald in the post-Cold War era had no developed or substantive definition. There appear to have been three distinct periods in which it was progressively redefined, first by the Soviets and later by the United States before the Malta Conference and again after George H. W. Bush's speech of September 11, 1990.

    1. At first, the new world order dealt almost exclusively with nuclear disarmament and security arrangements. Mikhail Gorbachev would then expand the phrase to include United Nations strengthening and great power cooperation on a range of North–South economic, and security problems. Implications for NATO, the Warsaw Pact, and European integration were subsequently included.
    2. The Malta Conference collected these various expectations and they were fleshed out in more detail by the press. German reunification, human rights and the polarity of the international system were then included.
    3. The Gulf War crisis refocused the term on superpower cooperation and regional crises. Economic North–South problems, the integration of the Soviets into the international system and the changes in economic and military polarity received greater attention.

    Gorbachev's plan (as you posted) was cooperation as is Putin's today with Brics... rolleyes.png


    Maybe you heard about the fall of the USSR?... THEN the US controlled the world as SOLE HEGEMONIC POWER and the NWO became as Chomsky wrote... rolleyes.png

    Do you seriously want to claim you are more aware of NWO politics than him?... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL... tongue.png

    You say my replies verify YOUR claims but seems it's YOUR replies that verify MY claims... tongue.png

    And I understand your terminal TDS means you think about him 24/7 but the NWO was the OWO (Old World Order) by 2016 as it had been in place and unchallenged for over 2 decades... tongue.png

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