Labor's attack on private health, page-11

  1. 86,606 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''Today I see on ABC that a Qld private hospital has had to cease providing midwifery services, probably because the federal Labor govt has issued an edict that they no longer regard the services as safe.
    In my own neighbourhood, the Southern Highlands Private Hospital has been prevented from carrying out pacemaker implants, the federal Health Dept deciding it's no longer safe. People have been having that procedure there for decades under the direction of excellent well-credentialled surgeons.''

    'probably' ---- wow, there's a reference for us

    and as for people having had procedures in some place for decades ------------ I can point you to a place in Oz where a urologist has been operating for decades on thousands of patients

    why not go give him a try - you can join the list of tomestones in the country with the others that he's butchered- it's a very very long list

    one needs to understand how most people 'think' - they 'think' if a doctor is personable - then, they are a good doctor

    they are totally unaware of the doctors record -------------- there's a very good reason why doctors resist their 'record' being made public

    but - do keep on - it must be 'all Labor's fault'
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