Seven's in the Bible - can any other book match it ? NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    List of Sevens in the Bible: Updated 08.17.2023

    This is an ongoing list, updated every time we discover a new seven in the Bible

    Genesis 1 – God saw seven times the goodness of creation
    Genesis 2 and 3 – The Creation Week
    Genesis 4.15 – Sevenfold vengeance on Cain’s killer
    Genesis 4.24 – Seventy-sevenfold vengeance on Lamech’s killer
    Genesis 5 – Incidental references to ages
    Genesis 5.31 – Lamech lived 777 years
    Genesis 7.2, 3 – Seven clean animals
    Genesis 7.4 – The flood starts in seven days
    Genesis 7.10–12 – Seven days fulfilled shows the Lord kept His word
    Genesis 8.4 – The ark rested in the seventh month
    Genesis 8.10–12 – Seven days between sending of the doves
    Genesis 9.13–16 – The seven colors of the rainbow
    Genesis 11.21, 26; 12.4 – Incidental references to ages
    Genesis 12.2–3 – The promised blessings to Abraham
    Genesis 21.28–30 – Seven ewe lambs
    Genesis 29.18–30 – Seven years for Rachel, then seven more years
    Genesis 31.23 – Incidental usage of seven
    Genesis 33.3 – Jacob bowed down seven times
    Genesis 41 – Seven years of plenty and seven years of famine
    Genesis 46.25, 27, 28; 50.3 – Incidental references
    Exodus 1.5 – Seventy people went to Egypt
    Exodus 2.16 – Seven daughters of priest of Midian
    Exodus 7.25 – Seven days between first and second plague
    Exodus 12; 13 – Seven days of Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Exodus 12.6 – The Passover on the 14th Day of the Month
    Exodus 15.27 – Seventy palm trees
    Exodus 16.26–30 – Seventh day not to gather manna
    Exodus 20.10 – Seventh day is the Sabbath of rest
    Exodus 21.2 – Hebrew servants released in the seventh year
    Exodus 22.30 – Young of oxen and sheep with its mother for seven days
    Exodus 23.10, 11 – Seventh year of rest for the land
    Exodus 23.12 – Seventh day for refreshment
    Exodus 23.15 – Eat unleavened bread for seven days
    Exodus 24.1, 9, 10 – Seventy elders of Israel saw God
    Exodus 24.16 – The glory of God on Mount Sinai
    Exodus 25.37 – Seven-lamp lampstand
    Exodus 29.29, 30 – Priest wore garments for seven days
    Exodus 29.35 – Seven days for Aaron as priest
    Exodus 29.37 – Seven days atonement for the altar
    Exodus 31.15–17 – The seventh day for Israel
    Exodus 34.18 – Seven days of eating unleavened bread
    Exodus 34.21 – The seventh day of rest no matter what
    Exodus 35.2, 3 – Another reminder of the Sabbath
    Exodus 37.23 – Seven lamps on the lampstand
    From the Book of Exodus: Seven ascents and descents of Moses upon Mount Sinai
    Leviticus 4.6 – Blood sprinkled seven times for complete forgiveness
    Leviticus 4.17 – Blood sprinkled seven times for the congregation
    Leviticus 8.11 – Sprinkling the altar seven times
    Leviticus 8.33, 35 – Seven days of consecration
    Leviticus 12.2 – Seven days of uncleanness after a boy was born
    Leviticus 13.4–6, 21, 26, 27, 31–34, 50, 51, 54 – Leprosy and seven day examinations
    Leviticus 14.16, 27 – Sprinkling oil before the Lord seven times for the cleansing of lepers
    Leviticus 14.37–40 – Isolating a leprous house for seven days
    Leviticus 14.51 – Cleansing a house of leprosy
    Leviticus 15.13 – Seven days of cleansing for male discharges
    Leviticus 15.19, 24, 28 – Seven days of cleansing for female discharges
    Leviticus 16.14 – Sprinkling the blood of a bull seven times
    Leviticus 16.19 – Sprinkling the altar seven times with blood from a goat and a bull
    Leviticus 16.29 – The Day of Atonement during the seventh month
    Leviticus 22.27 – New born animal with its mother for seven days
    Leviticus 23.3 – Seventh day Sabbath of rest
    Leviticus 23.6 – Seven days of unleavened bread
    Leviticus 23.8 – Seven days of offerings by fire during the Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Leviticus 23.8 – The seventh day a holy convocation and day of rest for the Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Leviticus 23.15, 16 – Seven Sabbaths between the Feast of Firstfruits and the Feast of Weeks
    Leviticus 23.18 – Seven lambs offered during the Feast of Weeks
    Leviticus 23.24 – The Feast of Trumpets during the seventh month
    Leviticus 23.27 – Day of Atonement in the seventh month
    Leviticus 23.34 – The Feast of Tabernacles in the seventh month for seven days
    Leviticus 23.36 – Seven days of burnt offerings during the Feast of Tabernacles
    Leviticus 23.39–42 – The Feast of Tabernacles for seven days during the seventh month
    Leviticus 23 – The Seven Feasts of Israel: The Passover (vv. 4, 5), The Feast of Unleavened Bread (vv. 6–8), which was observed immediately after the Passover, The Feast of Firstfruits (vv. 9–14), The Feast of Weeks, otherwise known as Pentecost (vv. 15–22), The Feast of Trumpets (v. 23–25), The Day of Atonement (vv. 26–32), which truly was not a feast, for they were to fast, The Feast of Tabernacles (vv. 33–43)
    Leviticus 23 – Seven Sabbaths within the Feast Days
    Leviticus 25.4 – The seventh year land Sabbath
    Leviticus 25.8, 9 – The year of Jubilee
    Leviticus 25.20 – Eating during the land Sabbath
    Leviticus 26.18 – Punish seven times more for impenitent sin
    Leviticus 26.21 – Punish seven times more for impenitent sin
    Leviticus 26.24 – Punish seven times more for impenitent sin
    Leviticus 26.28 – Punish seven times more for impenitent sin
    Numbers 1.27 – Incidental numbering of Judah at 74,600
    Numbers 1.39 – Incidental numbering of Dan at 62,700
    Numbers 2.4 – Incidental numbering of Judah’s army at 74,600
    Numbers 2.26 – Incidental numbering of Dan’s army at 62,700
    Numbers 3.22 – Incidental numbering of the Gershonites at 7,500
    Numbers 3.43 – Incidental numbering of the firstborn males at 22,273
    Numbers 3.46 – Incidental numbering of the firstborn males in Israel at 273, which went beyond the numbering of the tribe of Levi
    Numbers 4.36 – Incidental numbering of the Kohathites at 2750
    Numbers 6.9 – Nazarite re-consecrated with a seventh-day shaving
    Numbers 7.13 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.19 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.25 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.31 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.37 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.43 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.49 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.55 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.61 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.67 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.73 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.79 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.85 – Incidental reference to one silver bowl of seventy shekels
    Numbers 7.48 – Incidental reference to the offering on the seventh day of the tribe of Ephraim’s offering of a silver bowl
    Numbers 8.2 – The seven lamps of the lampstand
    Numbers 11.16 – Seventy elders with Moses before God
    Numbers 11.24, 25 – God gave Moses seventy helpers
    Numbers 12.14, 15 – Miriam shut out of the camp for seven days
    Numbers 13.22 – Incidental reference to seven years between the building times of Hebron and Zoan
    Numbers 16.49 – Incidental reference 14,700 dead
    Numbers 19.4 – Sprinkling blood seven times before the tabernacle
    Numbers 19.11, 12 – Seven days for purification after touching a dead body
    Numbers 19.16 – Unclean seven days after touching the dead in an open field
    Numbers 19.19 – He who touched a dead body could be clean by the seventh day
    Numbers 23.1 – Balaam prepared seven altars, bulls, and rams
    Numbers 23.4 – Seven altars, seven bulls, and seven rams are not good luck charms
    Numbers 23.14 – Perhaps another seven altars, seven bulls, and seven rams will work
    Numbers 23.29 – Will three sets of seven please God?
    Numbers 26.7, 22, 34, 51 – Incidental references in the second census of Israel
    Numbers 28.11 – Seven lambs to begin new year
    Numbers 28.17 – Feast of Unleavened Bread lasted seven days
    Numbers 28.19, 21 – Seven lambs for the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread
    Numbers 28.24 – Seven days of burnt offerings
    Numbers 28.25 – Seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was a holy convocation
    Numbers 28.27 – Seven lambs for the Feast of Weeks
    Numbers 28.29 – One-tenth of an ephah of fine flour and oil for the seven lambs
    Numbers 29.1 – The Feast of Trumpets during the seventh month
    Numbers 29.2 – Seven lambs during the Feast of Trumpets
    Numbers 29.4 – Seven lambs
    Numbers 29.7 – Day of Atonement observed in the seventh month
    Numbers 29.8 – Seven lambs on the Day of Atonement
    Numbers 29.10 – Seven lambs on the Day of Atonement
    Numbers 29.12 – Feast of Tabernacles observed in the seventh month
    Numbers 29.12 – Feast of Tabernacles observed for seven days
    Numbers 29.32 – Seven bulls and fourteen lambs on the seventh day of the Feast of Tabernacles
    Numbers 29.36 – Seven lambs on the first day after the Feast of Tabernacles
    Numbers 31.19 – Purification after war for seven days
    Numbers 31.19 – Purified on the seventh day after war
    Numbers 31.24 – Warriors washed their clothes on the seventh day
    Numbers 31.32, 33 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Numbers 31.37, 38 – Incidental reference to seven
    Numbers 31.52 – Incidental reference to seven
    Numbers 33.9 – Seventy palm trees
    Deuteronomy 5.12–15 – The Sabbath is the seventh day of the week
    Deuteronomy 7.1 – Seven nations in Canaan before Israel
    Deuteronomy 10.22 – Israel began as seventy people
    Deuteronomy 15.1 – Debts released every seven years
    Deuteronomy 15.9 – Do not take advantage of the seventh year of debt release
    Deuteronomy 15.12 – Seventh year release
    Deuteronomy 16.3, 4 – Seven days of unleavened bread
    Deuteronomy 16.8 – Seven days of unleavened, topped with a sacred assembly
    Deuteronomy 16.9 – Count seven weeks to the Feast of Weeks
    Deuteronomy 16.13 – Observe the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days
    Deuteronomy 16.13 – Keep the Feast of Tabernacles seven days
    Deuteronomy 28.7 – Obedience to the Lord would cause the enemy to flee seven ways
    Deuteronomy 28.25 – For disobedience Israel would flee seven ways from their enemies
    Deuteronomy 31.10, 11 – A nation-wide reading of the Law every seven years
    Joshua 3.10 – The Lord would drive out seven nations
    Joshua 6.4 – Seven priests, seven trumpets, seventh day, march seven times
    Joshua 6.6 – Seven priests with seven trumpets of rams’ horns
    Joshua 6.8 – Seven priests bearing seven trumpets of rams’ horns
    Joshua 6.13 – Seven priests blew seven trumpets
    Joshua 6.15, 16 – Seventh day, seven times
    Joshua 18.2 – Incidental reference to seven tribes
    Joshua 18.5, 6 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Joshua 18.9 – Seven parts of the land to be divided
    Judges 1.7 – Adoni-Bezek cut off the thumbs and big toes of seventy kings (Incidental Reference to Seven)
    Judges 6.1 – Israel delivered to Midian for seven years
    Judges 6.25 – Second bull of seven years
    Judges 8.14 – Seventy-seven leaders of Succoth
    Judges 8.26 – Incidental reference to seven
    Judges 8.30 – Gideon’s seventy sons; an incidental reference
    Judges 9.2 – Incidental Reference to the Number of Sons of Gideon
    Judges 9.4–5 – Incidental Reference to the Number of Sons of Gideon
    Judges 9.18 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 9.24 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 9.56 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 12.9 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 12.14 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 14.12 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 14.15 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 14.17–18 – Incidental Reference to Seven
    Judges 16.7-8 – Seven fresh bowstrings
    Judges 16.13 – Incidental reference to the seven locks of Samson’s hair
    Judges 16.19 – Incidental reference to the seven locks of Samson’s hair
    Judges 20.15–16 – Incidental Reference to Seven Hundred Men
    Ruth 4.15 – Ruth better than seven sons
    First Samuel 2.5 – God enables the barren to bear seven
    First Samuel 6.1 – The Ark was with the Philistines for seven months. Find out why.
    First Samuel 6.19 – An incidental reference to seven
    First Samuel 10.8 – Saul was to wait seven days for Samuel
    First Samuel 11.3 – Incidental reference to seven days
    First Samuel 13.8 – Incidental Reference to Seven Days that Saul Would Have to Wait for Samuel
    First Samuel 16.10 – An incidental reference to the seven sons of Jesse
    First Samuel 31.13 — Fasting seven days for Saul
    Second Samuel 2.11 – Incidental reference to David reigning for seven years and six months in Hebron
    Second Samuel 5.5 – David reigned in Hebrew 7 and a half years
    Second Samuel 8.4 – Incidental reference to 700 horsemen
    Second Samuel 10.18 – David killed 700 Syrian charioteers
    Second Samuel 12.18 – The first child of David and Bathsheba died after seven days
    Second Samuel 21.5–6 – Seven male descendants of Saul’s hung
    Second Samuel 21.9 – Seven male descendants of Saul hung before the Lord
    Second Samuel 24.13 – Seven years of famine
    Second Samuel 24.15 – 70,000 decimated
    First Kings 2.11 – David’s reign in Hebron
    First Kings 5.15 – 70,000 burden-bearers: Incidental Reference
    First Kings 6.6 –Temple chamber seven cubits wide: Incidental Reference
    First Kings 6.38 – Seven years to build the temple of God
    First Kings 7.17 – Seven chains for a Temple capital
    First Kings 8.2 – The ark moved into the temple in the seventh month
    First Kings 8.65 – Seven and seven days of celebrating the temple
    First Kings 11.3 – Solomon had 700 wives
    Seven Ancestresses of Israel
    Seven “Marys” in the Bible
    First Kings 16.15 – Incidental References to the 7-day reign of Zimri
    First Kings 19.18 – Seven Thousand Faithful in Israel

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