Love how the E safety commissioner, page-22

  1. 84,003 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    we just love you links which back up that you tell us that the Japanese were going to invade australia

    try this ---------- follow up what it says with research -------- that might alter your thinking a tad

    It does not appear that Japan had any serious plans to invade and occupy Australia during World War II. The key points are:
    • There was no Japanese plan before 1942 to advance beyond the initial perimeter they aimed to conquer in the Pacific. Australia barely rated a mention in the 1941 conferences where Japan's strategy was planned.
    • In early 1942, some middle-ranking Japanese naval officers proposed invading Australia to prevent it from being used as a base for Allied counteroffensives. However, the Japanese Army dismissed this idea as "gibberish", knowing it would weaken their forces in China and Manchuria.
    • The Japanese Navy General Staff also rejected the invasion plan, as they did not have the shipping capacity to support such an operation.
    • While the Japanese did conduct some reconnaissance flights over Australia and a small landing party investigated the Kimberley region, there was never any serious intention or plan to attempt a full-scale invasion and occupation of the Australian mainland.
    • The Japanese strategy was focused on securing their newly conquered territories in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific, not on attempting to conquer the distant and resource-poor Australian continent.
    In summary, the search results indicate that while there was some discussion of invading Australia among certain Japanese military officers, there was never an actual plan or intention to do so. The Australian mainland was not a strategic priority for the Japanese during World War II.
    The Japanese fleet was steaming towards Port Moresby in New Guinea with the objective of capturing and occupying the city.

    Operation MO was the Japanese plan to capture and occupy Port Moresby, the capital of the Australian territory of New Guinea. Once the city was occupied, the Japanese planned to set up a naval base there and cut off the lines of communication between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

    The Japanese invasion force, which included two fleet carriers, was heading towards Port Moresby when it was engaged by the Allied naval and air forces in the Battle of the Coral Sea from May 4-8, 1942.
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