Hi Hawk,
I have a different perspective on this and there is a lot in this announcement that is actually not said rather than over spoken.
The MOU with Pacific re. power is one thing but where I took the most heart from was the references to Horizon Power and TO's.
- Regarding Horizon, getting anything like a commitment for a transmission PFS in a few months to feed into Flourite PFS is nothing short of a miracle. I have had a bit to do with WA govt power utility companies and getting anything out of them regarding new developments is incredibly difficult and slow.
The time frames given tell me that there has been government intervention here, likely at ministerial level or higher to support the project. This is MUCH more than just the critical power supply but a show of will that the WA state govt is behind the project and are willing to lean in.
- Regarding TO's. The proposed power corridor goes through the land of around 5 TO's. The company appears to be deliberately routing this past established communities providing direct benefit to TO's. There has obviously been been lots of work on this and in principal agreement given for this PFS to proceed.
This bodes incredibly well for our relationship with TO's and gives direct benefit to multiple groups on the approval of our project. In addition to this sharing the transmission line with both communities and the possible Low Voltage transmission extension to El Questro bodes very well for government co-investment for the infrastructure.
That's my take anyway
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Adam McKinnon, MD
Adam McKinnon
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