Take a Paws, page-33240

  1. 22,121 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 263
    I sort of agree with a lot of that except that the Westminster system is exactly the same as it's always been, yes internal laws have changed but that system has always allowed for pollies and beaurocrats to do what they like because they set the all rules without limit and can legislate any rules they dream up as long as it passes parliment. It's not a Constitutional Republic like America where theres a set of rules that limits governments power constitutionally to protect we the people's rights and standard of living in the same way.

    And i'd like to add a few words to : The simple fact is that business can & will charge what it likes, so without clear enforced policy they will legally do so.

    The simple fact is that without adequate competition in industries businesses can and will charge what it likes, thus if we have government policies that destroy adequate competition like we've had and still have then authoritarian communistic policies are the theoretical next best thing but will only kick the can down the road.

    I also find it a bit harsh to blame the people though, they have no choice but to vote for them, democracy is an illusion, we have a controlled duopoly, our leaders are chosen by those in the Westminster system, they are not chosen by the people, it's a rigged system by design.

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