chemtrails, page-6

  1. 14,957 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 11
    It's hard t debunk something that doesn't exist. If you want to make the case that it does you need to explain the ENGINEERING behind it.

    • There is a photo of a B 747 with tanks and plumbing installed. If they exist on other than the certification flights why aren't there literally millions of photos of it?
    • If the liquid chemical is carried on board why are there no videos of tankers filling the chem tanks?
    • The photo of the "chem trail on/off" switch is bogus. It they existed why has no pilot or engineer ever mentioned it?
    • If There are chem tanks secretly being filled why are there no videos of the chem discharging from nozzles similar to fuel dumping, which there ARE videos of?
    • If there are chem tanks how can the aircraft still load overweight passengers, their luggage and some freight and complete nine hour flights?
    • If the chem is discharged through the jet exhaust, which seems a popular theory, why isn't flight time reduced by the percentage of "chem" mixed with the avtur?
    • Does the FAA certify jets as safe for use with the contaminants? A jet can run on petrol, not the customary "kerosene", economics and safety dictate the choice of fuel though, The Neptune P2V7 which had two turnin' two burnin' never ran regular green 100/130 avgas through the jets because it used lead to achieve the desired octane rating but that lead would foul the jet engines so they used purple 130/150 gasoline which did not contain lead. If they wouldn't allow lead in the fuel why would they allow aluminium?
    • This aircraft, 277, was sold to Peter Rundle and the jets were removed because they were no longer needed when the aircraft was flying so light and there was no suitable fuel anyway. Rundle sold it and the jets were reinstalled by the new owner because the new avgas has had the lead removed so can be burned in the jets and it sounds more authentic when on display. tell me how it is done.

    Note: Peter Rundle may have bought 272 but that doesn't change any facts.
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