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    Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Goes RICO

    Fauci is now downrange in their sights and getting closer. Hope springs eternal.

    Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act: U.S. law

    The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.

    To the great disappointment of many (including myself), the US House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic appears to be focusing the origin of SARS-CoV-2 and and the increasingly apparent cover up of the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology acting in cooperation with EcoHealth Alliance to perform gain of function bat coronavirus research, as well as the extended network of EcoHealth Alliance collaborators, cooperators, and enablers. The good news is that the committee is starting to behave like a federal investigator seeking to root out a corrupt organization via a RICO-like investigation strategy.

    However, at this point a key question remains; how far down the rabbit hole are they willing to go? And will their investigations remain focused on just NIH, or will they look into the role of DoD/DTRA, CIA, USAID, and other related federal organizations?

    A typical RICO investigation strategy involves a multi-faceted approach, combining various techniques to gather evidence and build a strong case against a targeted organization or individual. Key components of a Rico investigation strategy include:

    Close Cooperation between Investigators and Prosecutors: RICO investigations require close coordination between law enforcement agencies and prosecutors to ensure a thorough and effective investigation. This collaboration enables investigators to share information, resources, and expertise, ultimately leading to a stronger case.

    Identifying and Gathering Evidence: RICO investigators focus on gathering evidence that demonstrates the existence of a criminal enterprise, as well as the involvement of individual members in the organization. This may involve reviewing financial records, phone records, and other documentation, as well as conducting interviews and surveillance.

    Building a Strong Case: RICO investigations aim to build a strong case by establishing a clear link between the criminal enterprise and the individual members involved. This may involve demonstrating the organization’s involvement in illegal activities, such as money laundering, extortion, or fraud.

    Following on the heels of the grilling of Dr. Peter Dazak on 01 May 2024, in which he asserted that there is no credible evidence that the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 in the general human population was the product of a laboratory accident, the committee has now released a statement to the effect that a classified State Department situation analysis memorandum concludes exactly the opposite, and furthermore that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was the source of the virus and that the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army (PLA) was deeply involved in the WIV.

    Suffice to say, Dr. Dazak continues on track to be the ideal “fall guy” for a US Government intent on evading joint responsibility for one of the most massively bungled and colossally tragic public health events in modern history. Dazak is not a US citizen, is extremely well connected to all the right people (including WEF leaders, WHO, Wellcome Trust, and Bill Gates), has an unrivaled sense of entitlement, and is both transparently dishonest and completely unrepentant for the role which he and his organization (EcoHealth Alliance) played in the genesis of the COVIDcrisis.

    The Committee did its homework prior to bringing Dr. Dazak in for his opportunity to come clean, including interviewing UNC coronavirus researcher Dr. Ralph Baric (who helped develop and has actively defended use of Remdesivir for COVID). Unfortunately for Dr. Dazak, Dr. Baric’s testimony clearly indicated that the work performed at WIV on bat coronaviruses constituted “gain of function” research. This position directly contradicts the sworn assertions of his prior collaborator Dr. Dazak, a key point repeatedly reiterated and reinforced by Committee members questioning Dazak, who repeatedly disagreed with Dr. Baric. First interrogate the smaller fish, then work up to the bigger ones. Classic RICO strategy.

    WASHINGTON — The Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic recently reviewed classified U.S. Department of State (State Department) documents that credibly suggest COVID-19 originated from a lab related accident in Wuhan, China. The documents also strongly convey that the Chinese Communist Party attempted to cover-up the lab leak and that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) maintains a relationship with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) is requesting the State Department rapidly declassify this information and share the truth about the origins of COVID-19 with the American people.

    These documents were previously released in an unclassified and highly redacted Freedom of Information Act production, first obtained and reported on by U.S. Right to Know — a nonprofit working to expose government failures that threaten public health. The redacted documents showed numerous, highly suggestive subject lines including:

    • Initial Outbreak Could Have Been Contained in China if Beijing Had Not Covered it Up

    • Xi Lied to Obfuscate His Role in the Cover-Up

    • PLA Contractor Involved in the Construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology

    • PLA Presence at WIV Continued After Construction Completed

    • Official Chinese Websites Show Robust Cooperation between WIV and PLA

    • Cyber Evidence of PLA Shadow Labs at WIV and Bioengineering University

    As mounting evidence continues to point to a lab related accident in Wuhan, China as the likely origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, safely removing these superfluous redactions is a step towards transparency and accountability.

    We write to you today to request that you immediately take steps to declassify this information such that the American people have a more complete picture of the government’s evidence regarding the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic,” wrote Chairman Wenstrup.

    View the highly redacted State Department documents here and here.

    Read Chairman Wenstrup’s letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken here.

    Now the committee is gearing up to call in Dr. Anthony Fauci, and seeks to interview one of his key NIAID lieutenants, Dr. David Morens, prior to “interviewing” Dr. Fauci. As a seasoned deep state operator, Dr. Morens is well aware of how this game is played, and has conspired with his attorneys to creatively delay his testimony until after Dr. Fauci has had an opportunity to spin and gaslight the committee during his time in the barrel, much as he did Dr. Rand Paul. But unfortunately for Dr. Morens, email correspondence between Dr. Morens and Dr. Dazak in which they were conspiring to evade the committee was obtained thereby revealing the ploy. In a fascinating twist, Dr. Peter Hotez is copied on this specific correspondence. As is often noted, its a BIG club, and you ain’t in it. “You and I are not in the BIG club”.

    So now the committee is resorting to a subpoena. Keep in mind that Dr. Peter Navarro is currently serving jail time for refusing to testify to a different congressional committee. I am confident that fact has not slipped by the attention of Dr. Morens.

    What happens next? Who knows. Break out the popcorn. But what most amazes me about all of this is the bipartisan nature of what is going down. When is the last time you saw this? Speaking for myself, I am gobsmacked. And what the heck is going on with congressperson Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)? Did someone up his testosterone dose? This congresscritter is acting like someone that ought to be Speaker of the House! Just saying. Whatever he is drinking, I can name at least a hundred others who should take some of that. And one in particular. Pious and spineless is not a good look.

    So, without further ado, below is the presser which has emanated from the office of “Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)”. Well worth reading. I can hardly wait for the next shoe to drop. I am sure that Dr. Fauci is also waiting with bated breath.

    “Each day of delay helps,” EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak writes.

    WASHINGTON — Today, Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) announced a subpoena to compel Dr. David Morens — a top advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — to appear for a public hearing on May 22, 2024. Dr. Morens will be asked to address new evidence suggesting he deliberately obstructed the Select Subcommittee’s investigations into the origins of COVID-19 to protect his former boss, Dr. Fauci.

    In new emails obtained by the Select Subcommittee, Dr. Morens’s self-proclaimed “best friend” — EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak — lays out the delay tactics Dr. Morens’s counsel intended to use to postpone Dr. Morens’s public testimony until after Dr. Fauci’s public hearing: “Each day of delay helps. They’re trying to book David in for a public hearing between mine (May 1st) and Fauci’s (June 3rd). David’s lawyers are trying to negotiate and delay his til after Tony.” This email was sent on April 20, 2024.

    Only two days later, on April 22, 2024, Dr. Morens’s attorney followed this exact plan and told Select Subcommittee staff that Dr. Morens was “unavailable” to appear for a public hearing on the offered date of May 7, 2024. The attorney provided four alternative dates — all of which Dr. Morens and his team seemingly understood to be unacceptable given the public Congressional and Select Subcommittee schedule.

    Dr. Morens’s evasion of public testimony “appears to be a poorly veiled attempt to protect Dr. Fauci, insulate him from the actions the Select Subcommittee is investigating, and obstruct the Select Subcommittee’s investigation,” wrote Chairman Wenstrup in a subpoena cover letter to Dr. Morens.

    This is the second subpoena the Select Subcommittee has announced for Dr. David Morens. The first subpoena compelled Dr. Morens to produce documents from his personal email account(s) related to the origins of COVID-19 after repeated allegations that he violated federal records keeping laws.

    Read the Select Subcommittee’s cover letter hereand subpoena here.


    • In June 2023, the Select Subcommittee released a batch of emails in which Dr. Morens appears to hide COVID-19 information. Dr. Morens wrote, “I always try to communicate over gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly” and “I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.”

    • After receiving a letter from the Select Subcommittee detailing Dr. Morens’s potential federal records violation, the NIH placed him on administrative leave.

    • In October 2023, Chairman Wenstrup announced a subpoena for NIH records related to Dr. Morens’s potential federal records violation. NIH conducted an internal investigation into Dr. Morens’s suspicious actions but refused to share relevant findings with the American people or Congress.

    • In November 2023, EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak appeared for a transcribed interview — during which he called Dr. Morens a “mentor.”

    • In December 2023, Dr. Morens was scheduled to appear for a transcribed interview. The Department of Health and Human Services derailed the transcribed interview after they prohibited Dr. Morens from answering any questions about the origins of COVID-19.

    • In January 2024, Dr. Morens appeared for a transcribed interview — after which Chairman Wenstrup vowed to receive access to Dr. Morens’s personal email account. Key takeaways from the transcribed interview can be found here.

    • In April 2024, the Select Subcommittee revealed new information from a whistleblower that appeared to provide further evidence of Dr. Morens intentionally subverting federal transparency laws to shield discussions related to the origins of COVID-19. The next day, EcoHealth Alliance President Dr. Peter Daszak released four document tranches that confirmed the whistleblower’s allegations.

    • Also in April 2024, Chairman Wenstrup announced the first subpoena to Dr. Morens that compelled him to produce documents from his personal email account(s) related to the origins of COVID-19.

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